Make Bank Robbery an actual law with punishments.

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New

What law do you wish to change/add:
9.8 Bank Robbery
Any person who is involved or assists in the robbery of the City Bank commits and offense.
Felony - liable to 10 years maximum imprisonment and $10,000 maximum fine.

Why should this change/addition be made:
I have noticed a lot of officers are confused on what to charge a suspect with when they are wanted for bank robbery or are part of a bank robbery. Some Supervisors say just give them 10 years and 10k and some Supervisors say charge them with the relevent crimes which is hard to keep track of when there are multiple armed robbers shooting at officers.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
To create a clear understanding for officers on how to charge people with robbing the bank.

Additional Information:
If you disagree or would like to make any edits to this, please add a reply as I am happy to see suggestions regarding this.
I find this to be unnecessary. Robbing the bank by definition falls under Breaking and Entering, Theft, and Assault with a deadly weapon in most cases. You can also argue for unlawful detainment due to the NPCs
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