Server Suggestion Make Scrappy Joes Trailer useful (Scavenger Job)

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Suggestion Title: Make Scrappy Joes Trailer useful (Scavenger Job)
Suggestion Description: Scrappy Joes Trailer is a interesting property to me as it's a tiny trailer on a large plot of land and the entire thing is useless unless you like to use it for flanking.

Something we could do to improve Scrappy Joes Trailer, is to place a NPC somewhere on the property, or maybe in a secondarly little shack, to who you can talk to get a job which will be similar to a mining job on other DarkRP servers, except instead of hitting rocks for gold or whatever, you become a Scavenger, where your job becomes to find things like Metal, Brass Bulk, Hunk of Polymers or Chunks of Plastic in the property. Then, whenever you're done with doing so, you can talk to this NPC to either quit the job and keep the materials, or sell them to him. Maybe the swep/item with which you find these materials is like metal detector. So whenever you get close to a material, you can see it easily when holding the metal detector and pick it up.

Personally i think this should look like the following:
-You talk to the NPC and get your job
^-You're now equipped with a metal detector (or some other kind of scavenging item, open for debate)
-You can now search around the scrap yard
-When walking close to one of the collectable materials, you'll hear a audio que (Probably some kind of faster beeping the closer you get)
-When looking at or near this item, it will be highlighted (some kind of colour which is easy to spot, which maybe you can change somehow)
-You pick up the item (it could be some kind of concealed model, so it could be a suprise what you get and how many items of it you get
-After a minute or so, this process would repeat, spawning on a different spot so you cant be AFK it
-When you're done, you walk to the NPC, who will ask you what you want to do
^-You can either quit your job and go home with the loot
^-Or you can sell the materials to the NPC

I think a way that this job could benefit the city, is by the following: If a Scavenger does his work propperly, by collecting their metals on the property, this could lower the frequency or size of the budget cuts the city randomly gets. As this could act as a city clean up service possibly. This could even go out of the property and extend the job with some kind of pick-up truck in which they can drive around the city to find other trash or wreckage spots, these could be called in on a similar type of emergency radio message like in PD, except it's personal to the scavenger service. With this same logic, we could decide if the Scavenger is doing a bad job, the city would catch a bad reputation and get more fines for pollution, taking money from the city budget.

I can imagine this is quite a mission to work out, so until then, i also suggest adding a spot for a chemical table and a crafting table, as this offers the ability for people to base there, and for people to raid it. The problem with basing there is probably the thinness of the walls though. But oh well :)

A way to consider both these things being possible is to only allow people that own the property or have keys to it, to become a Scavenger, but i'm not sure about this, it could create a grow+scavenge meta. Unless you make it unable to become Scavenger with planters etc out. A way to still be able to do crimeRP in the property but not break the rules, is by having the NPC be inside some house which he doesn't get a propper angle on the actual trailer, or just have him face away. I'm thinking of him being inside a shack with the blinds lowered, making it look pretty run down and scrappy, quite perfect

If this sounds interesting to anyone on the staff team, i would love to brainstorm more about it in teamspeak or discord or whatever as i myself can still see this is probably no where near done, just send me a message! :D

Why should this be added?:
- Creates a new way to make money or get materials
- Makes Scrappy Joes Trailer useful
- Allows a new location for bases/raids (that will actually finally be used)
- Could allow for more roleplay scenarios

What negatives could this have?:
- I think alot of work would have to go into the coding and modelling for this job
- It might be hard to balance propperly
- Might be abused to drive around in similarly how RC can
- Could be a problem to do criminal things if the NPC is added and can see those things. Or he has to be corrupt.

Useful Images:
Each job in the server benefits another players in some way and each one will at some point interact with one another and other players for example:

Paramedic: Heals and Revives players who have been downed/injured

Firefighter: Puts out fires, bases will sometimes explode so the firefighter puts out the fire so players can return to the base they also have the ability to heal injured players.

Police: Helps "Protect" the city from crime, helping people in need, attempting to stop raids to stop players loosing items

Taxi: Transports players somewhere

Courier: allows players order items and have them delivered directly to them.

Mayor: Taxes n Stuff reducing prices for certain things for players to acquire at a discounted rate

Road Crew Workers: Impounds vehicles, repairs players vehicles, Cleans up car part wreckages

In hindsight each job will have some sort of interaction with players in some way, I like the budget cut idea and the truck too but how will this job include interaction with other players? I also like the idea for the trailer to actually get used as there is not much use for it right now.
how will this job include interaction with other players?
Could the job maybe steal peoples exhausts or metal off their car? Or maybe take the debris clean up tool from RC and give that to this job too. Or maybe allow them to create pieces of metal from their scrap to sell to people?
Could the job maybe steal peoples exhausts or metal off their car? Or maybe take the debris clean up tool from RC and give that to this job too. Or maybe allow them to create pieces of metal from their scrap to sell to people?
by take the debris cleanup tool, do you suggest removing it from RC or just giving it to this job as well. Removing it isn't really an option, RC already is a dead job due to people rather using six wrenches than calling RC.
what about this as part of the addon
due to a large number of scrap cars in the yard maybe you could have it so you have a wrench and the npc tells you to help him scrap the cars and he will give you X amount of money you can of course add more cars to the yard and have them disappear when scrapped and reappear after
after you hit the car it gives you the parts like a exploded car such as a axel exhaust tyre etc that go into your inventory and are handed to the npc
Why not if somone of scrappy joes is online people can chopshop stolen cars? i mean there are multible cars around it.
And instead of getting cash they get materials. The more expenive an car is the more you get
Lovely feedback everybody!

Scrapping the vehicle remains after explosions is something that has gone through my head aswell, and I like what @Auris says about hitting cars in the scrap yard, i personally believe a important factor is that it needs to be something which cant be grinded while being AFK, hitting the same car for hours or maybe even getting a Alt account to hit it for days.

To answer @curak , i think rather then place the scrap clean-up thing on one or the other job, they could possibly share it, allowing for possibly a more frequent clean up of vehicle remains. However these happen barely once a day, so i think to create interaction between players, the following could happen:

When a Scavenger is on duty, a second NPC will be activated near that NPC shack i mentioned in the main post, who will look like he is running a market stall, attached to the shack, if a Scavenger decides to sell his metals to the NPC, this NPC will sell the metals again to any player who comes by, allowing you te possibly get the materials needed for crafting for a better price then when buying them from Uncle Cos or the delivery service. This ofcourse would need to be balanced to make sure you cant buy metal from the Scavenger and sell it again to make profit.

This could possibly also allow for another shop to grow where the Scavenger sells his metals to players, for more player to player interaction. I am however afraid this could become quite boring pretty quickly, so another way the Scavenger could stay in touch with players, is maybe a way to fix tiered vehicles, something RC can't do. The Scavenger could maybe somehow work together with Veikko's shop, getting a pretty decent discount on repairing those vehicles. This however could be abused by organisations who tiered all their cars that will then just get their friend to play Scavenger so they can fix them vehicles for cheaper again. So perhaps this would need some kind of "trade request" idea between a scavenger and the tiered vehicle owner, only allowing the vehicle to be repaired for cheaper if both parties put something in, the Scavenger some of the gained metals from the job, and the vehicle owner some money, in total allowing for a decent discount.

Even with that entire idea, I myself agree on the fact that this could still allow the Scavenger to AFK in their base untill something interesting happens, we should try to think of some interaction that can happen between players and this job idea. We could take inspiration from @Mim , allowing the Scavenger to steal parts from a vehicle to damage it, possibly creating it a semi criminal job, which could allow for worsened relations between a Scavenger and the police force, or even organisations. I kind of like this idea, but I don't think we truely want to add a job which is made to piss off other players. So instead I would like to expand on the idea that a Scavenger can drive around in a scrappy old vehicle to do their job.

I could get behind the idea of the scavenger driving to sketchy areas like drug dealers spots, like hungriges swein, or under the highway in the forest. Spots like those could spawn more abandoned vehicles, forgotten by time, which would allow the scavenger to scrap those vehicles, or possibly take them with them, to be restored. This could possibly allow for discounted vehicles, to be bought by newer players. Think of the scrappy Volvo wagon for example, or a old Beetle. These could have a nerfed speed or selling price.

Maybe another way to allow the scavenger to be useful, is to grand them the ability to remove carbombs, from vehicles, creating a unique relation between the PD and the Scavenger job, this would be a pretty funny relation if it's also combined with the idea that the Scavenger can ruin vehicles. Creating some kind of love hate relationship.

This could go tons of ways, i'm just speaking my mind, let's see what you guys think!
I'll try to come back to this thread every now and then untill we have a solid idea, make Scrappy Joes Trailer great again!

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