Make taser cause person to drop item

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Description of the idea: If a person is tased / ragdolled as a result of taser then it should cause them to drop any weapon they have in their hands similar to how this happens if someone dies

Why should this be added? (pros): [description/list of good aspects]
  • More uses for taser
  • More realistic
  • Prevents suspect from re-equipping item and fighting again, taser should end the confrontation
What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]
  • minge grabbing
Seems terribly excessive and would only further give officers more reason to break taser policy in shootouts.
I like this idea, but I'd say ONLY if they are holding the item. If it's on their back or equiped otherwise then keep it on them.
Then the person would make an IA since it's clearly against the policy with not really any sort of justification of using it in a shootout. It's their own responsibility to make sure they have a gun I guess so there shouldn't be a reason why they are using a taser let alone with the stupidity of trying to use one against an armed suspect.
Or we could make it after they stand up after being tased they cant equip the weapon for 5-10secs due to being dazed by the taser.
Can you please give us the reason you think this should be added? Bit hard to guess :rolleyes:
Surly we can not deny a suggestion because it can be abused if someone decides to break the set rules/policies right? We have many functions in game that can be abused if players break the rules or PLPD policies, should they be removed because of that?

Of course we should try to limit the possibility of abuse, and atm tasers are only given to certain ranks, making sure only experienced officers get one.
I think it queit hard to keep a gun in your hands while beeing tazed. But maybe don't drop the gun when it is on your back. Probably to much pain to code it that way. @Samuel

But + support it would make the tazer a more usefull option. Most of the time I just use my nightstick. Its harder to miss...
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Keep in mind normal officers don't get tasers and it's not like they're gonna risk their rank just to get $580 in confiscation money.

IF this does happen, you can just make an IA/report and make an RR afterwards
No need for this really as if a civilian has a weapon in their hands it means 9/10 they are about to kill u therefore that means a shootout probably is already happening which means u will have u pistol/gun out anyway.
Good idea, I also think the gun/melee shouldn't be picked up/confiscated for a certain amount of time to avoid any problems as it's obvious the scene is not clear if a taser had to be used within that span of time.
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IAs are jarring and most people cant be bothered so i can see people doing this just from personal experiences
I'm pretty sure this was intended for melee weapons like baseball bats and knives.

There's a policy in place to prevent officers replacing deadly force with tasers and it would also likely be 3.4 to run into a shootout or something with a taser, I fail to see how this would be a problem.
Right but if a civ runs up to a standard officer he will have to pull a gun out and kill him cos he hasnt got a taser also its putting the officer life in danger so why would he use the taser?
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