I'm personally under the belief that if a mayor is knowingly keeping taxes high after numerous attempts on his life while knowing the reason, and requires all police resources to be dedicated to him in way of the entire department camping at his location simply to fight back against the consistent assassination attempts, then he is in breach of law 4.4:
as he is in no way acting in the best interests of the city by knowingly maintaining a factor which is causing widespread chaos and taking up all resources of the police department solely for the provision of his life.
I've been met with differing standpoints, such as that he can not be blamed for attempts on his life, however if the root cause is known and no attempts to change them are made, then surely he is complicit to the problems in the city and not acting in everyone's best interests? In the same way that a heavy mismanagement of city funds via excessively low taxes leading the city to bankruptcy would not be in anyone's best interests and be in breach of law 4.4.
I'm sure I've seen mayors arrested for this in the past, but there may have been a shift in how it is perceived over time.
Obviously I wouldn't want this to be a part of rule 4.1 or anything because that just shuts down more avenues of roleplay - more just a law discussion.
Let me know your thoughts.

as he is in no way acting in the best interests of the city by knowingly maintaining a factor which is causing widespread chaos and taking up all resources of the police department solely for the provision of his life.
I've been met with differing standpoints, such as that he can not be blamed for attempts on his life, however if the root cause is known and no attempts to change them are made, then surely he is complicit to the problems in the city and not acting in everyone's best interests? In the same way that a heavy mismanagement of city funds via excessively low taxes leading the city to bankruptcy would not be in anyone's best interests and be in breach of law 4.4.
I'm sure I've seen mayors arrested for this in the past, but there may have been a shift in how it is perceived over time.
Obviously I wouldn't want this to be a part of rule 4.1 or anything because that just shuts down more avenues of roleplay - more just a law discussion.
Let me know your thoughts.
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