Mazan the hackerman!

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mage / Nadine Kennedy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mazan / ???
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97693446
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Cheating. Clear as day, looking down at floors to check for players running below him. Never checking corners/places where there are no people (i.e only checking corners where players actually are). Pre-aiming at people he doesn't even see on his screen realistically. Extremely convenient timing to run to certain places etc.
Evidence (Demo Required):

I've done some analyzing of the video and made a GIF of everything that looked fishy to me.

You're probably like who the fuck are you and why do you think you know what is fishy...
Well, I've cheated myself in different games, of course trying to hide it so I know exactly what behaviour to look for.

Right before they plant the bomb, this happens.

He appears to be looking a little bit to his top right to see the players inside the building, he probably just didn't move his mouse any further yet but it's worth noting.

Right after he enters, this happens.

Now this, this is real fishy. It looks like he either snapped on him or he thought he was going to be right there, an experienced hacker would know how far someone is and know the map they play on, this makes me think Mazan here just recently started cheating.


Ahhh, the classic random wallbang. You have no idea how many hackers do this, I absolutely don't see the point of wallbanging here because you can see the outside doorway and you can see that NO ONE is there. Trying to hide something or just straight up stupid?

Next up, you somehow know when the room is empty and exactly at that moment you peek the room not clearing it like a regular player would.

Lets look through the floor real quick.

Then the entire rooftop part, obvious as shit! Literally any bad hacker plays like that.
Here is a highlight of the rooftop, but the entire rooftop part of the video is literally sus.

The last thing I found, you want to push but then don't because you see 3 cops pushing you through the walls.

Don't give me none of that 'Footsteps' shit because in the chaos that was this gunfight you would've 1. not heard the footsteps and 2. you can barely hear them in this game anyways.

I don't know but I think Mr. Mazan is a hackerman.

Detective Synatec out.


Edit: I felt like I had to say this.

Everyone always has something fishy in their videos, no matter what. But there is a difference between 2 fishy things and 1 minute of suspicious shit + a lot of smaller moments of suspicious shit.
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Well, when I tried to attack the cops in front of that door, unfortunately my stamina has ended so I've moved back. I have no words to defend myself on, since it still will end on you all guys insulting me, making an hacker of me and trying to make me a laughingstock as well as destroy my reputation. You are just no matter what trying to get me banned, I'll send my demo that hasn't faced any lua files opened if expected from me by the staff, out.
I won't, anyways where the fuck are you interfere with, you're not even attached to this whole scene.
Stamina ended? You can still run when Exhausted just not as fast...
You have to admit this is a really fishy video, right? I hope you're not cheating, would be a shame if you got caught now, combine this with the lying and still trying to hide it, not good.

If you actually don't cheat, see this as a massive compliment. People think you hack, so you must be good right?
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.
It's not about the running, I attempted to jump on the border but I had no stamina.
@Mazan Oh I thought you meant the cops running up the stairs, fair enough. The part where you tried jumping isn't fishy though, quite clear you were trying to jump.

Oh also, you can't jump on that
@Sorle, it's not about what you think, it's about what I think what's smart and what's not, I saw the officer peeking around there, so was strafing out and prefiring hoping I'll shoot him, and you're talking now about either who'll do that? get the fuck out of here please..
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