Server Suggestion /me smells drugs

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Suggestion Title: /me smells drugs
Suggestion Description: When consuming drugs using a bong, smoke with a slight coloured tint to it should generate similarly to a cigarettes production of smoke, this smoke should have a slight tint to it to determine narcotics were used.

For example, the colours should be:
Weed: Slight lime green tint to the smoke.
Cocaine: The smoke should be slightly brown.
Meth: meth smoke should have a slightly blue tint to it because breaking bad.

The colour difference should be subtle, and almost impossible to distinguish from a distance.

Realistically drugs being smoked produces a strong detectable odour and if you claim otherwise you’re nose blind because of your own drug habit and you can get help via . it’s never too late to quit.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistic compromise to smelling drugs via /me
- Cops can detect fuckin druggos
- Minor Roleplay enhancement
- Raves would look fucking sick

What negatives could this have?:
- Probably wouldn’t change much about the game.
- Dispatchers smelling weed smoke at bazaar I guess via CCTV (Albeit realistically they’d be ripping from a bong the size of a small child which would be a dead giveaway,
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Maybe, instead of making it a "get close to smell" thing, what about extending the "R with fists" mechanic to also include info about this?

The smoke would be a good touch also
I like this suggestion, however, I think an automated /desc would be a much better fit from this. It would actually encourage investigation instead of turning you into a drug sniffing dog.

Weed smell is not easy to pinpoint, especially in wind conditions. Though, you can smell it from under doors, in apartment buildings with HVAC it's not easy!

To prevent Dispatch seeing the smoke, or having cops pretend they're drug sniffing dogs a /desc saying: "You smell a mild/strong marijuana odor". You can only smell it a few times during a few minutes timespan. Considering the bong makes sound, this encourages investigation and not sprinting from scene to scene.

Doing cocaine and or meth shouldn't be smellible or see-able by smoke. I think a cool effect would be to make your eyes red. Same for alcohol. It would reward officers for paying attention to details and actually make driving under the influence a nice law to enforce.
Red eyes is a really good idea, but weed is a very potent smell and this would be quite realistic insead of the bubbling noise
This is mentioned in this suggestion as well

More at the bottom where i said
I'm in support of this. There isn't too much narcotic involved RP when it comes to stops and such and it'd be nice to have more of that. Probably a good idea to make the effects of drink and drugs last longer as well.
i feel like it would be better to add a notification such as “i smell an odor of x” when for example someone os drying coke in an apartment or growing weed
i feel like it would be better to add a notification such as “i smell an odor of x” when for example someone os drying coke in an apartment or growing weed
That’s a completely separate suggestion…

Bongs will produce smoke colored depending on what drug you smoked
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