How to do drugs and roleplay as high.

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Did you know that on the server, all drugs are consumable except ephedrine? Here’s a short guide on how to consume drugs and how to act realistically with there effects. Starting small with:

This ones simple. You just click it in your inventory and you blow a fatty fucking cloud. All it really does is slightly reduce your health. How do you act realistically under the influence of tobacco you ask? Well, the active drug in cigarettes is nicotine, which basically does fucking nothing but is addictive anyways. The effects of nicotine slightly reduces stress and elevates blood pressure, allowing for a slightly better focus I guess? I dunno, overall irl nicotine is a fucking terrible thing to be addicted to.

Cigarettes can be purchased at the hungriges casino in the city and the Pub at docks.

To act realistically under the influence of nicotine, just ensure that you consistently smoke every 5 minutes in game, as 5 minutes is like an hour on the in game clock. Ensure that you waste money trying to keep up the smoking habit. Bug people for lighters constantly at bazaar. Bonus points if you don’t give the lighter back (although if you do that irl you’re a massive cunt and I fucking despise you, fucking wettys nicking my collectible clippers, Sure I quit smoking but I liked my limited edition grim reaper clipper before some fucking pothead loser put it in his pocket and “lost” it). Act like a massive dick head if you haven’t smoked in 5 minutes too, and if you go 10 minutes without a cigarette, roleplay a headache. Don’t forget to eventually “quit” smoking, then go back to it but just “as leisure or when you’re stressed” then eventually go back to full time smoking because that’s the story of the average smoker.

Bonus points as well if you change playermodels at the clothes store after a week of smoking to demonstrate the effect it has on your personal appearance.

Good old alcohol. The answer to many of life’s questions like “What made me think it was a good idea to sleep with that thing?” And “Why did my dad hit my mum that one time during our holiday to butlins?”. Alcohol is absolutely fine when consumed in moderation, but not on this server, no. One beer appears to elevate your characters blood alcohol content to that best compared to that of David Hasselhoff's at the end of the peak of his career.

Alcohol can be purchased at the pub at docks and the casino in the city. To consume it, simply click on it in your inventory. It takes 8 beers for you to pass out and fall unconscious. If You wear a life alert whilst spam drinking beers, then the emergency services will love you, trust me!

Now, I know what you’re thinking “But BigBenji, I am only 14 years old, I don’t know what being drunk is like, my mum won’t even let me drink full sugar Tesco’s own brand cola soft drink!” well fear not, And put down that listerine, because Ive got you covered. in order to fully roleplay as a drunk, follow these simple steps:
- Act with no Sense of judgement. Being intoxicated removes all your inhibitions.
- Act with no sense of dignity
- Slur your speech, not to stroke victim levels, but As if you’re pissed off your tits
- Smoke a lot.
- Desperately try getting a crowds attention then do something stupid like attack a cop with a glass bottle.
- Make every action you witness provoke a strong, over the top reaction.
- Impulse buy a gun at bazaar and do something retarded with it, like test fire it down the walkway or wave it around.
- Elaborate on every point you make with /act zombie
- Try and get that PERP pussy and get mad when you don’t get it.
- Intentionally fail any and all police intoxication tests.
- Die in a car accident

And that, my friends, is how you act drunk.

Good old green shit you cant go wrong with. Ever listened to a classic rock song from the 60’s all the way up to the 80’s and thought “Wow, I wonder how people could write a song so good back then?” well, they were stoned off there fucking tits, that’s how.

To acquire weed, you’ll either have to buy it off another player (or rob or raid and steal it), or grow it yourself.

In order to smoke the weed, you must purchase a bong from the pubs mentioned above.

To act realistically whilst stoned, follow these steps:
- You ain’t really hungry, but shit dude, you wanna eat. That burger that’s sat in your storage for 2 Months suddenly looks like a collaboration Between Gordon Ramsay and the food Jesus himself.
- Every thought you have is suddenly really fucking deep. Like if you were sober it wouldn’t be anything, but shit, you realise that rain water falls from the sky, then we drink it, pee it, and it evaporates back into rain and that the water we drink was dinosaur piss millions of years ago. Like shit man, that IS deep.
- You have to make it obvious that you’re stoned whilst simultaneously trying to hide that you’re stoned, especially to police. I mean, they already can quite clearly see that you are, but you think you pulled it off like a true smooth criminal.
- Anyone who can get you a good consistent supply of weed is you’re best friend.
- You can’t fatally overdose on weed unless you have a preexisting medical condition that’d make Tylenol a health hazard to you, so don’t try roleplaying weed overdoses. You’d dose Off before any terrible effects occur on you.

Now we‘re getting into the real hard shit. Let me explain what Mushrooms are. They’re fungus. They aren’t plants but they also aren’t animals. They’re a weird thing in themselves, they say mushrooms are closer related to animals than plants. Of course, certain animals and plants create toxins to give anyone attempting to kill or eat them a bad time. Mushrooms are no different. There’s mushrooms with toxins that make you shit yourself violently, theres mushrooms that flat out leave you bedridden for weeks. Then there’s certain mushrooms that contain a psychoactive compound called “psilocybin”. This is technically a toxin, made to give any animal that eats one of the mushrooms best friends an absolutely terrible time, but us humans seem to fucking love them.

You purchase mushrooms at the drug dealer. They can be eaten as if they were a burger, and HOLY SHIT does it fuck up your game. Just like in real life, if you accidentally eat one of these on perp (which can happen if you press the wrong key whilst planting them) you’re in for a bad time.

Realistically, if you eat just one mushroom in real life, you should be fine. You’ll just feel euphoric and everything will look like it’s moving and stuff. But for the sense of funny roleplay, you can eat one and act as if you just noshed up a bag of em like haribos.

To act realistically on mushrooms, follow these steps:
- You ARE the lizard king. You have the magical ability to communicate with all animals you see in the city.
- You MUST go to PD to slay the fucking ender dragon with your Diamond katana Before he swallows the knights inside (The TFU van in this instance is the ender dragon btw)
- Holy fucking shit the walls are melting

Gods dandruff. Rack it and snort it, roll it in with a cigarette and smoke it, smoke it out of a crack pipe, shove it up your arse, swallow it, shove it in your eyelids and blink really fast (don’t do that), how you do your cocaine is up to you. On PERP however, there’s only 1 way of taking cocaine, and that’s smoking it out of the bong you get at the same places that sell cigarettes and beer.

To acquire cocaine, you must harvest a plant of cocaine, then dry the leaves on a chemical table with newspaper and lye. You have to do the leaves in batches of 3 and the end result is about 30 cocaine if I recall correctly.

How to act realistically on cocaine:
- You have so much fucking energy holy shit, you could do anything.
- The rush is mad. You know what’d go well with this rush? Cigarettes. Holy shit, this works great , the rush Is unreal
- You feel on top of the world, you could do fucking anything!
- Your actions, similar to alcohol, should be irresponsible. However, in a different way, whilst with alcohol you’re doing whatever you’re doing sluggishly, with cocaine, you’d be doing it at a higher speed.
- You just want a good time, you’re down for anything, especially more cocaine.

Good old meth, can't go wrong with crystal meth, and it'll only cost you about $800 an ounce and a few teeth in places like California!

On PERP, its the most expensive, albeit, riskiest drug to produce. To sum it up briefly, in order to make meth, you'll need a medicine, water, a source of phosphorus, a solvent, and a binding agent. You can find other guides on the forums on how to make meth.

In order to use meth, you need the bong item, which I've already explained on how that is acquired above. Smoking meth in game can be kinda dangerous for severe epilepsy sufferers I guess as it results in strobing lights on your screen.

In order to act realistically on meth, follow these steps:
- You're essentially addicted after your first hit and your whole life has begun a tragic downwards spiral in which recovery is unlikely.
- You feel like you can do anything you want successfully without consequence and no one will stand in your way.
- You feel cold despite being about 10 degrees above the standard body heat level.
- You're completely delusional about yourself and the world around you.
- You must display incredible hostility towards anyone stopping you in your meth induced activities. No one will stand in your way.
- You'd rather stick a gun in someones face to steal there cash and stuff to sell than actually make money legally, you need this as it is the quickest way forward.
- No idea is a bad idea when you're on meth, except quitting meth, that's off the charts for you now.

So thats how you roleplay as a fucking druggo, you fucking druggo.

Sources for all this information:
Weed, Alcohol, Nicotine: Personal experience
Rest of the drugs:

If you are personally affected by any issues raised in this post, then Talk to Frank, or head on down to your closest rehabilitation centre as soon as possible!
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why take effort into roleplaying as one when you could walk down the street, pay 10 a gram and play perp high?
it makes powergrowing tremendously more entertaining too!
I'm always on crack when I play PERP and also when I play Phantom Forces.
Okay so why you gotta take this much effort and make a guide, all you gotta say is. Go get the weedpen, or the bowl, or the dab rig, or the blunt, get baked out of your fucking mind. And play perp.

This ones simple. You just click it in your inventory and you blow a fatty fucking cloud. All it really does is slightly reduce your health. How do you act​
sir you're spreading misinformation im reporting you to the european union

fr tho just dont smoke tobacco more than once a month and its nice

1: They type 28 paragraphs in 10 minutes on a gmod roleplay servers forums.
I started smoking like that, then it became a pack a month, then within a month it was a pack every 3 days.
i disagree because the visual effect of weed and mushrooms in this game are no where near the actual visuals

ur steps on how to act high are on point tho