Server Suggestion Poppy, Opium, Morphine, & Heroin


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Suggestion Title: Poppy, Opium, Morphine, & Heroin
Suggestion Description: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The market and field of drugs gets easily in my view rounded out and toned out. As drugs need to play a bigger role for police and civilians alike. Making it a priority to set a stop, and or robbing someone to gain a huge profit from which they are manufacturing a certain product.

Cocaine is such a stable product that it is widely used by everyone by how easy it is. Drying, and then covering it with lye to just create pure cocaine off the bat.

Cannabis/Weed goes the same route as being extremely easy, it is just grown and then packaged to be sold off to the drug dealer!

Meth, is a more advanced drug requiring constant supervision as it is not to be taken lightly, and easily explodes in a new players face easily. This makes them stray from the fact that it is a very good way to earn an illegal income.
1.(Process of Opium):
Required materials: Planter box
The Poppy plant seeds are bought via the drug dealer. The plant itself is planted and within a range of 20 minutes will mature and turn into flowers.
Waiting for 5 minutes more will turn the plant into a pod, as it is now ready to collect. The poppy pod which is immediately turned into Opium packs (this carries the traits of cannabis growth) after 10 minutes of not collecting the plant will start seeding.
Harvesting the pods of the Poppy plant yields a seed amount between 50-60 with each full planter box
The amount of Opium which is harvested varies from 50-80 per planter box

This can be sold off to the drug dealer for $250, per pack of Opium.
If smoked with a Tobacco Water Pipe, the user will get a buzz on their screen. As if the world itself is slowly fizzing like a static television.
The player loses Intelligence during this state with -1 if smoked 2 times and -2 if smoked 5 times.
During the state of smoking Opium, the users Dexterity will be increase by +1 if smoked 2 times and +2 if smoked 5 times
2.(Process of creating Morphine):
Required materials: Chemical table, Cooker, Beaker, Propane tank, Salt, Water
As the player has now harvested the Opium from the Poppy plant, they will add their Opium to a beaker with water, as the heat is set to 100c+ which makes the water boil, the player waits 5-2 minutes depending on which propane level they are using.
Once it has reached 100% completion you will get Liquid Opium. For the sake of not adhering to realistic ways of creating Morphine the user will use Salt, Iodine, and Liquid Opium to create morphine on the chemical table.

To create morphine the user will use the same beaker, add the Liquid Opium, combined with Iodine, and Salt into a beaker, and keep the temperature between 120*c and 200*c. This process itself takes 10 minutes to complete. After the solution reaches 100% completion the user will get packs of powdered Morphine.
The amount of morphine packs range from 60-90.

This can be sold off to the drug dealer for $300, per pack of Morphine.
If smoked with a Tobacco Water Pipe, the player will let out a contented sigh as the surrounding environment of the player start to lighten up, and the user has slow translucent waves move around.
The player loses Strength during this state with -1 if smoked 2 times and -2 if smoked 5 times.
During the state of smoking powdered Morphine, the user gains increased regeneration, +1 if smoked 2 times and +2 if smoked 5 times
3.(Process of Heroin):
Required materials: Chemical Table, Cookers, Ethyl Ether, Lye, Beaker, Salt, Water, Propane tank
Once you have your powdered morphine, add it to a beaker on your chemical table + cookers, add water, and lye to dissolve your powdered morphine and keep it to a temperature between 85*c and 150*c which is a process that takes up to 5 minutes slow cooking and 2 minutes as long as you keep it high. once it reaches 50% the player adds Water and Ethyl Ether to the solution which the temperature stays at the same increasing rate but the warmth needs to be raised to 150*C as it will be cooked between 150*C and 200*C which takes 5 minutes to fully process .
Once the mixture is at a 100% completion the user gains packs of Pure Heroin ranging from 60-100 per beaker.

This can be sold off to the drug dealer for $400, per pack of Pure Heroin.
If smoked with a Tobacco Water Pipe, the player will ragdoll for 5 seconds and get up after 5 seconds have run out. Their vision floats in and out as it goes into a blurry black and slowly throbs on the screen.
During this state the player loses Strength & Dexterity with -1 on both stats if smoked 2 times and -2 on both stats if smoked 5 times.
While they are under the influence of Heroin, Intelligence and influence are increased +1 on both stats if smoked 2 times and +2 on both stats if smoked 5 times.
Entire process of creating heroin takes 45 minutes

Making opium takes 25 minutes

Making morphine takes 35 minutes

Why should this be added?:
- Gives players more to do when thinking of making drugs
- Develop in-game addictions for players
- New forms of money
- New job opportunity
- Burglary is more profitable
- Police confiscating the drugs earn a profit on the job
- New players familiarize themselves with how manufacturing drugs function

What negatives could this have?:
- Confusion amongst new players
- Not easy to do
- May be often interrupted
- Does not sit well with former addicts
- Takes too long & is a boring process of sitting down and doing it

What problem would this suggestion solve?: From my experience there is a lot of debate around which drugs should be added, and which should not. I created this suggestion because Heroin is a worldwide problem that affects many in our daily lives

Which problem does it solve?

By the addition of the Poppy plant it opens many new opportunities for police, raids, illegal sources of income, and at least something to do. In my own opinion, I think there is few drugs that are found in-game.It is only meth, cocaine, and weed which exist in the server, and get boring very quickly. They all are single plants and don't have that many uses themselves.
With this addition it creates a semi-fun way to do drugs, still grindy but it does it deed in the end serving as a way to make money.

Useful Images:

A similar suggestion was made 5 days ago, is this not the same idea?
I'm more in depth, follows the same idea but added more details that werent included which he was divebombed for
I'm more in depth, follows the same idea but added more details that werent included which he was divebombed for
I do like this idea, but I'd say there's too much use of Ethyl Ether and Lye in other drugs, Acetone/Toluene (Refrenced in mine) is only used in meth as a cheap and less quality alternative, but in this drug for example, Acetone would work greater since it's a strong solvent. I'd say for you though, $250 a pack for 25-45 Minutes is not worth it which can deter people in comparison to all of the Positives and Negatives you mentioned.

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