Server Suggestion Medic stab proof vest unlock + mayor policy

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Suggestion Title: Medic stab proof vest unlock + mayor policy
Suggestion Description: Granting paramedics a small amount of body armour designed to protect them from light gunshots and stabbing under the following circumstances:
- The mayor activates a new policy “Paramedic Protection Scheme” would grant all paramedics this armour.
- Advanced paramedic + receives it by default.

The armour should be very light armour similar to secret service armour, and should behave how armour usually does, such as reducing damage from certain calibers and stabbings noticeably and not trigger bleeding sometimes. Generally, the armour should be effective at stopping PPK gunshots and knives, but not behave to a degree that would make them viable to enter shootouts.

The idea is to give Paramedics more survivability in the event of a random attack. In real life, sadly due to the state of the world, many Paramedics are opting to wear stab proof vests. Due to medics getting very close to potentially dangerous individuals many opt to wear covert body armour to prevent vitals being attacked.

Why should this be added?:
- Paramedics getting randomly attacked or crossfire shot will be less likely to result in being knocked down or killed.
- Makes sense logically for a medic to wear a covert stab vest given their close proximity to dangerous individuals.
- The nature of the armour gives them almost no protection from combat-grade firearms, thus meaning they would be unlikely to be able to survive doing stuff they shouldn’t in shootouts.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might give medics the wrong idea and want to enter shootouts (Under normal circumstances it’s only given to experienced medics who know not to do this however)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The nature of the paramedic role leaves them susceptible to random attacks, or being shot in crossfire. This wouldn’t make rulebreaking medics entering shootouts much safer to do so, but would make the risk of cross firing them or sweaters with cheap guns randomly attacking them having less odds of success.
Don’t see why this would be useful, EMS aren’t really meant to run into active shootouts and are meant to keep a safe distance

Sadly a -1
IF you had read the actual suggestion, then you would notice this has already been mentioned and addressed.

Honestly I wouldn't be against this, mainly due to the fact that new players randomly stabbing, attacking shooting or overall just harming EMS without a reason is rather a common occurrence, whilst this won't stop this occurring, it will increase the likelihood that the EMS survives the random attack, and like Bnej already stated, it won't make them much harder to kill if they do something stupid during shootouts.
I like the idea. Crime rates are a multitude higher than they are in the area I work IRL (and we still have them) and the likelihood of some random idiot just running up the a medic to stab them is even higher. Giving players who enjoy playing medic a higher chance of surviving these encounters seems like a good thing and could help reducing the amount of disruption they experience during gameplay.
Don’t see why this would be useful, EMS aren’t really meant to run into active shootouts and are meant to keep a safe distance

Sadly a -1
The vest wouldn't change this at all, they'd still be liable to punishment for doing so.
IF you had read the actual suggestion, then you would notice this has already been mentioned and addressed.

Honestly I wouldn't be against this, mainly due to the fact that new players randomly stabbing, attacking shooting or overall just harming EMS without a reason is rather a common occurrence, whilst this won't stop this occurring, it will increase the likelihood that the EMS survives the random attack, and like Bnej already stated, it won't make them much harder to kill if they do something stupid during shootouts.
I understand this was addressed but new players won’t only have PPKs and knives, hell, if I had a penny for every time I saw a sweater walking around with an AK on their backs, I wouldn’t have to work part time.

And if you get RDMd you can just contact an admin and get a revive.
I understand this was addressed but new players won’t only have PPKs and knives, hell, if I had a penny for every time I saw a sweater walking around with an AK on their backs, I wouldn’t have to work part time.

And if you get RDMd you can just contact an admin and get a revive.
There’s situations where medics aren’t breaking rules, and the shooter isn’t breaking rules, such as when a medic revives a violent suspect who was shot down by police and someone runs round the corner with a gun and shoots the medic in crossfire, causing bleeding and potentially death. Medics often get caught in the crossfire of many situations and giving them some level of protection from clumsy and unskilled attackers would alleviate the situation with new players deciding to attack a medic for no real reason.

Furthermore, unless the mayor perk is active, this protection would be applied only to medics who have progressed several ranks and know better than to fuck around in shootouts.
I wouldn't mind seeing some small buffs for medic ranks and mayoral perks. I doubt it will be abused by rulebreakers much as it will mainly be limited to advanced paramedics - few mayors actually activate perks for gov employees aside from mayoral protectoon.
I like the idea of armor for the mayor, not sure how I feel about EMS though. It makes a lot of sense for a high priority VIP like the mayor to be wearing some sort of soft armor underneath their suit. I'd say it's quite realistic. EMS aren't really targeted enough in my opinion to warrant having a policy specifically for them, if anything mayor needs to have a vest
I like the idea of armor for the mayor, not sure how I feel about EMS though. It makes a lot of sense for a high priority VIP like the mayor to be wearing some sort of soft armor underneath their suit. I'd say it's quite realistic. EMS aren't really targeted enough in my opinion to warrant having a policy specifically for them, if anything mayor needs to have a vest
The mayor has SS that are constantly around him in order to protect him, furthermore the mayor isn't meant to be a tank he is meant to be easy to kill if caught offguard or alone. I don't think he needs armor.
Overall though the EMs armour is a cool idea but I don't play EMs enough to like it or dislike it. However I also don't really think EMs need armour.
Don't forget what they took from you... bring back medics with bats...

Seriously, this is a fine suggestion. It doesn't really benefit me personally but if I was someone who plays medic, I'd be onboard with this. And people who play medics are very important so if this makes their playthroughs more enjoyable, I'm with it.