Server Suggestion Medic Wound Check Fix

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sneed's feed & seed
Suggestion Title: Medic Wound Check Fix
Suggestion Description: Medics can currently see the EXACT caliber of ammo used when checking a gunshot wound. This is EXTREMELY unrealistic, how would a medic know the difference between a 9x19mm and a 9x17mm gunshot wound? This doesn't even provide gameplay balance in its current state.

If anything, this mechanic should show the ammo variant used; sniper, rifle, buckshot or pistol ammo, not the PRECISE caliber.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism
- Balance

What negatives could this have?:
- None at all

What problem would this suggestion solve?: The problem of a policeman powergaming the exact caliber of ammo used (essentially the weapon used) via a medic checking your wound with their fists.
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It's also unrealistic how the DNA toolgun reveals the exact name and weapon used.

But since we do not have ways to properly investigate situations, nor the time to do so, we have to make sacrifices of realism for gameplay.
It's also unrealistic how the DNA toolgun reveals the exact name and weapon used.

But since we do not have ways to properly investigate situations, nor the time to do so, we have to make sacrifices of realism for gameplay.
Sure, which is why I suggest the ammo variant be used in place of the exact caliber.
It's also unrealistic how the DNA toolgun reveals the exact name and weapon used.

But since we do not have ways to properly investigate situations, nor the time to do so, we have to make sacrifices of realism for gameplay.
DNA is necessary for RP to function its a non-comparison, police investigation comes to a complete standstill without it

This simply detracts from creative criminal avenues to profit simply for the sake of adding new features, it's not exactly a game-breaking discrepancy to be able to sacrifice 3k in the form of a cheaper gun instead of 20k, it really doesn't contribute much to be able to tell the exact calibre of ammo. There should be a means to identify each individual type of ammo used (buckshot, pistol, rifle, sniper) since that actually makes sense based on entry/exit wounds.

This feature is not even close to necessary for RP to function so why should we sacrifice realism where not necessary?
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This is a feature that imo expedites the real-life work of a coroner, which would likely be able to identify the type of bullet more accurately. Whether or not it is beneficial to roleplay however is a different story.
We can easily meet in the middle here and agree that this feature is good for roleplay to prevent criminals from yoinking every single gun when defending a raid WHILST also agreeing that the current state it is in is unrealistic and imbalanced.

If the medic could check and say "the wound is from a rifle", then this essentially achieves the same purpose but in a more realistic way. However, the medic being able to check you and say "this wound is from a mac-11" is actually just offputting within roleplaying parameters.

This change would also force defenders to grab rifles, snipers, etc. (the corresponding weapon type) to drop on the raider's bodies when trying to be cheeky, meaning the confiscation payout would be similar.
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What if only DNA'ed bodies can be checked for the exact bullet type, otherwise non-DNA'ed bodies only describe a broad description like "Sniper, Buckshot, Pistol, etc.."

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