Medics and Firefighters receive promotions


Professional Stripper
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Description of the idea: Promote medics and Firefighters based on their playtime giving them pay rises or based off players revived, fires extinguished. Something automatic

Why should this be added? (pros):
-More incentive to play these jobs

What negatives could this have? (cons):
-People farm hours afk need to be monitored in loggs and by staff
Sure why not, if it motivates people. I don't think we should have a chief, etc. But getting promotions based on your hours seems like a cool idea to me to motivate people. New cars and pay raise could work as motivating factors. If we would stop giving traffic new cars and spend that time and effort on medic cars this should be possible.

Please give us this abomination!

I feel like adding some stuff to this idea to narrow the specifics down, and to give a better idea of what I personally think how it could work.

- Promotions for paramedics should only be two or three different ranks in total, I don't think any of these ranks should be displayed at all aside from when you sign up, resign and on your PLPD Database profile.

- Promotions to the first rank should happen based on one out of two criterias, removing 25 bodies/reviving 20 people, or 4-6 hours of paramedic activity every week. The third rank should be much harder to get and should be based on the same criterias, but you require 150 removed bodies or 100 revived people, or 24 hours every week. [These are just examples]

More specifically, these ranks should give minimal powers but should stand as quality of life ones at that, not something a powerhungry person could easily abuse.
- Gaining the first rank for instance could grant you the ability to spawn a vehicle under these conditions:
All vehicles are taken but the bypass of this limit hasn't surpassed by one already, meaning for example 4 out of 2 vehicles haven't already been taken, Premium players' vehicles should not be taken into consideration past the maximum when spawning one. You should only be allowed to spawn a vehicle as long as two vehicles haven't already been spawned after maximum capacity has already been reached.

- The second rank should apply the first rank's privileges on top of somehow granting you a slightly faster vehicle than the Prius by about 10 mph. Alternatively the Audi RS4 could finally be introduced as a paramedic/firefighting first response vehicle, and should still only be slightly faster than a Prius. And 5-10 non-droppable wrenches for light vehicle repair. (I know this sounds like a setup for increased car accidents but trust me, I've had plenty of scenarios where I wish I had a wrench, completely free of fault.)

- As a bonus of being promoted, the first rank should boost your payroll by 5-10% and the second rank by an additional 10%. adding up to 15-20%.

Firefighters should honestly be merged with Paramedics and require you to equip fire retardant equipment before you're allowed to spawn any sort of firefighting vehicles. Paramedics could then be renamed to ERT (Emergency Response Team)/EMS/EMT or simply Medic/Fire and have a maximum of 4 on-duty at a time with no mayor, and 6 with a mayor, alternatively be based on playercount minimum of 4 and increasing to 6 at 60% server capacity and 8 on a full server. Firefighters have had no real use except for the occasional fire, these are still rare which justifies the merge. On top of that, since having two departments won't be necessary, all you have to do is gear up and respond. No job change required, or running for three minutes from one job to another. Best thing about this though is that you can still call Paramedics, Paramedics and Firefighters, Firefighters. It doesn't change the basics, just the name of the service which would unite both under one job description.

IIRC I heard something like this was already considered. @Collier would you be able to shed some light on this? Did I hear wrong?

I've been gunning for a change in the medic and fire department since 2017. See thread:

Edit: Something like a merge could happen in the future apparently.
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This ambulance looks like they’d park it on a giant mouse trap to snag my boy Jerry.
I don't enjoy police or criminal roleplay, and I haven't properly played as either in many years. When I do occasionally connect, it's either as to get a government job or to own a store.

If EMS is updated, I'd join again no doubt.
I do really agree with this, however, I strongly advise if it's being considered to make it NOT like the PD as many people as it is do not like the PD structure. Maybe less roles and not as many consequences as there would be in PD would work for this. Also as @Exnem has already said, it would be better for the fire and med to be combined like a lot of places around the world.
No IA. No paperwork and no applications. Just a fun progression system with some ingame unlocks.

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