Medkits temporarily stabilise subjects

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Description of the idea: Allow firefighters/other jobs with medkits to use them on bodies to keep them from dying. Simply put, firefighters can arrive to a scene before medics and should know basic BLS and field stabilisation, but can't do shit about the people dying on the floor. Using the medkit on a body should (if they haven't died yet) delay blackscreening by 1 minute (up to the 5 minute limit for all deaths)

Why should this be added? (pros):
+ allows medics to realistically stabilise someone who is unconscious but for one reason or another cannot yet be revived
+ allows firefighters to realistically stabilise/offer basic life support to unconscious persons until a medic arrives

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- people being stabilised cannot /resign or leave the server for a longer period, however - this is less of a con as it implies medics will respond to heal
This is a really cool idea, I’d like to see this maybe for SO+ too?

What about all officers having a first aid kit in the back of the trunk to somewhat help treat them whilst waiting for proper medical attention, no need for rank restrictions!
I think that this is a good idea, however instead of giving it to a certain ranking officer like @CensoredExe said, have a medkit that is retrievable from the Hospital, that you have to be a government employee to retrieve, and have to return, or something similar.
I feel that this would be an unnecessary addition,

The death system and time that it takes to die already feels pretty balanced, I don't see a point in wasting developer's time to add something like this, just so that there's a slightly higher chance of people being revived

I personally like to use my time while blackscreened to as a chance to go to the bathroom or get a drink etc, and I'd rather not have to spend the entire 5 minute period sat staring at a red screen because some random firefighter decided that even though there's no medics available, he's going to keep me alive for the entire period.

I also feel that it could negatively affect civilian players, as it could mean that not only would they have to spend most of 5 minutes on a red screen, they could then also be revived relatively late into the respawn timer and then have to spend an extra up to 10 minutes in jail, and also receive a ticket for whatever crime they committed.

If this were added, I think it would make sense that it were only given to medics, as a way to just slightly extend the lifespan of the patient, so they have a good chance of successfully reviving them, rather than giving them to all government officials, so they can needlessly keep a patient alive, or so that arrest hungry cops can still get the arrest 5 minutes later
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I feel that unless this was very limited (1-minute max) it could have a negative effect on civilians, meaning that not only will players have to spend a long time on the death screen, but then also potentially spend another long period in jail, and receive a large ticket

Maybe if it's just something medics have to extend patient lifespan just long enough to revive the person, sure. But giving this ability to every government official seems over the top.
I think the idea is to have it so that you can still only be on a red screen for max 5 minutes. It wouldnt increase the amount of time that you are in the red screen, it would just prolong being unconscious before being full dead
I think the idea is to have it so that you can still only be on a red screen for max 5 minutes. It wouldnt increase the amount of time that you are in the red screen, it would just prolong being unconscious before being full dead

Even so, that could still massively affect the amount of time a player is alive and available to be revived for.

For example, when I shot a player earlier today, he was only red-screened for a few seconds before he black-screened. Now, if this suggestion was added, I'd have made him sit there waiting to see if he was revived for an extra almost 5 minutes, then wasted another 13 minutes of his time transporting him to jail, giving him a large ticket and arresting him, over doubling time spent and costing him some money too.
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