Merry Easterween


Hello Benders Perpheadians.
Today I'm hosting an event! Hop on the server right now if you want to play!

As some of you may know, it's easter and I'm here to wish you a great day! If you don't celebrate it, you can always join in on the fun and banter we will be having over the next few days (bank holiday Monday)!

To celebrate this event I will be dropping some money all around the map! I will be dropping 120k worth of money in the next 20 minutes! They will be located in public places, sneaky little corners and in places you may of never been!

No asking in OOC, No asking in advert. This is Easterween!

Matt xxoxoxoxoxox


Please Note: I've handed out over 120k this morning and will be doing the same tonight! Player of the month will also be chosen tonight so make sure you're online around 6PM and maybe it could be you with free VIP or 70k :)

Later Everyone ^-^