Meth Glitched out!

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Your in-game name: Dylan Larsen

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54900967

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was cooking meth (20 at a time, like usual) and at the 12:00 minute mark, I had about 4 explode on me. Upon the explosion I lost all visual representation of MOST props. Meaning I couldn't see my meth cooking, any of my guard props, etc. I feel like this was very unfair. The only way I could know which one was cooked and which one wasn't, was to do a completely blind guess. My console was being spammed with this after the explosion:

CUtlLinkedList overflow! (exhausted index range) (65535)

As I read on face punch, this usually has to do with smoke emitters (Meth Exploding)

Evidence: 2015-10-10_00001.jpg2015-10-10_00001.jpg2015-10-10_00003.jpg 2015-10-10_00003.jpg

As you can see, in the screenshot I can only see one row of a shelf stacked with boxes instead of two.

Tick: ^^^^^^
As you properly know meth does explode as it is natural for it to do so I believe we should wait on someone to comment on this post who has experience and knowledge to know if it is ment to do that.

Please re-submit these forms with a demo or some kind of time stamps just to make sure you did not pick up the props and claim it was this bug.
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