Mina's Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
North of Ireland
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Shay (For Jack Peterson)
How long were you banned for: 1 Week

Your Steam Name
: Mina
Your In-game Name: Kian Wolf
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:437224249

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1582297391604.png
Why should this appeal be considered:

Im making this appeal to apologise for my ban (Screenshot above) and to apologise to Jack Peterson.

Firstly Im going to apologise to Jack Peterson for my rude and nasty comments I made on him, They were unnecessary and uncalled for. I am truely sorry for what I said to you. I hope you can forgive me.

Secondly, The rules listed above in the Ban Reason '1.4 & 4.4' I believe to be incorrect but I can see why Jack would have seen it as that as I didnt explain what I was doing and I just immediatly started to be rude to him.
1.4 - I was shouting at Jack and saying nasty things to him. I did Co-Operate however I have to admit that I couldnt hear him as there where many people talking at the place Jack and I where.
4.4 - I do admit that I was minging as an RC (Which will not happen anymore and I have promised Jack this in TeamSpeak DMs. I was towing a police car which I know you arent supposed to do but I needed to move it away from the middle of the road but then another RC blocked off a part of the road so that I couldnt get out and the more cars started to park behind me so i was stuck and then a Medic started to ram me.

Lastly, I would like to apologise once more to Jack for my actions were very childish and Unethical. I insulted him and shouted at him not even listening to what he had to say and Im truley sorry. This will not happen again and that is a promise.

Additional Comment(s): I promise to never Minge as RC or any job infact, again on the server and Roleplay properally.

Kian Wolf (Mina) :)
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Reduced to 3 days​
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