Description of the idea: Give government vehicles access to the music wheel. [Holding Q for 1 or more second(s) would bring the wheel up. If held shorter than that amount of time, it would turn the sirens on.]
The radio is automatically turned off when the sirens are turned on, and disables the music wheel while the sirens are on. This should only apply to the audible siren, not the lights.
Why should this be added? (pros): Give officers something to listen to other than their police radios. This also makes Police Vehicles less special regarding the radio.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Can cause officers to ignore the police radio, or fail to hear other units. (this is more of an issue on the officer's end)
*Other additions: None.
*Images: None
The radio is automatically turned off when the sirens are turned on, and disables the music wheel while the sirens are on. This should only apply to the audible siren, not the lights.
Why should this be added? (pros): Give officers something to listen to other than their police radios. This also makes Police Vehicles less special regarding the radio.
What negatives could this have? (cons): Can cause officers to ignore the police radio, or fail to hear other units. (this is more of an issue on the officer's end)
*Other additions: None.
*Images: None