Missing content

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Okay before we begin I have subed to all the addons, allowed custom server files and have downloaded and enabled: CS:GO and CS:S

Yet I still have missing textures, half of the weapons are missing a texture plus some cars are fucked up.

Im unsure what I have done wrong.
Are you subscribed to lots of other addons?
I would advise clearing them out a bit or even unsubscribing to everything but PH content
You don't need csgo installed, you need CSS and HL2, that's your issue.

Follow this thread, seriously, it's good.
Is this issue solved @finlay3110 ?

If not, there's lots of great guides on the forums for fixing errors. I fixed my errors by unsubbing or disabling all addons that aren't PH content and downloading CSS/HL2.
Doubt he's going to reply. He's been playing a lot more recently and has not complained from what I have seen, I assume it's solved, but I could be wrong.
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