Mobile Backgrounds.

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Topic: Mobile Backgrounds.

Short explanation: A background for your mobile phone.

Detailed explanation: I think we should have phone backgrounds because it'll add a bit of character to the phones (not that they don't have any). It could be made into an application; much like the ringtones app.

Additional options: You could import your own images so you could make the background customisable to your own liking.

Yes, I did use the search function.
This could be possible. If we had some default wallpapers to choose from like the list of ringtones.

But giving people the choice to choose their own, is a bit tricky.

First of all this would be abused a whole lot. People would have inappropriate wallpapers n such things.

Second of all, all these wallpapers would have to be stored on perpheads main server. And ofc i cant talk for Stephen and Fredy, but im not sure that they want inappropriate pictures stored in the servers files.
It would also take alot of effort to store all the pictures in the server.

Most 1920 x 1080 such as JPG are for example 500 KB, doesnt seem like alot huh?

Lets imagine 70 people choose a customized profile pic every single week. The first week we would have 35 Mb stored in backgrounds. In the end of the month we would have 140 Mb. In one year we would have 1,68 Gb stored...

Thats 1,68 Gb that we could have used on more useful things for the server( Cars, weapons, props ) or just bug fixing

Im gonna =Neutral having maybe 7 default backgrounds to choose from

But -Support having the ability to choose your own backgrounds
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This could be possible. If we had some default wallpapers to choose from like the list of ringtones.

But giving people the choice to choose their old, is a bit tricky.

First of all this would be abused a whole lot. People would have inappropriate wallpapers n such things.

Second of all, all these wallpapers would have to be stored on perpheads main server. And ofc i cant talk for Stephen and Fredy, but im not sure that they want inappropriate pictures stored in the servers files.
It would also take alot of effort to store all the pictures in the server.

Most 1920 x 1080 such as JPG are for example 500 KB, doesnt seem like alot huh?

Lets imagine 70 people choose a customized profile pic every single week. The first week we would have 35 Mb stored in backgrounds. In the end of the month we would have 140 Mb. In one year we would have 1,68 Gb stored...

Thats 1,68 Gb that we could have used on more useful things for the server( Cars, weapons, props ) or just bug fixing

Im gonna =Neutral having maybe 7 default backgrounds to choose from

But -Support having the ability to choose your own backgrounds
It's an additional option you silly.
+support Many would love their own background image on their mobilephone
Optional: Maybe adding the ability to take photos from the mobilephone and make this to and background image

I'd like to see some new backgrounds, even if it's just a colour switch, black seems a bit dark.
If you could upload them onto your phone from an image link that'd be cool too!

(No shit Murtsley)
+/- Neutral

I see this would add some character to your phones, but is it really needed? No one else is going to see your phone screen so personally I see it a bit exessive. On the other side, people could really care about your phone skin and have "group" phone skins.
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