Server Suggestion More Drugs?

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Suggestion Title: More Drugs?
Suggestion Description: right now the server drug operation is very bland

Why should this be added?:
i feel like the drugs in the game are very simple and that there should be more drugs you can make like for example. Ketamine , ecstasy , LSD , Fentanyl, opium or steroids and it will be alot of work to do this so if its accepted i cannot imagine it coming soon but even if they dont get added i think that there should be different ways of making the ones in the game now like one the factorys if you make the equipment ( which should cost alot ) you could make greater amounts of said drug now this is more than likely gonna sound lioke a stupid idea but you could give it a chance.

What negatives could this have?:
- well if your using a factory the machinery willy be loud and players will more than likely know what your doing and may tend to target you more ect and you will have to keep attention on the process for max efficiency unless you have alot of people that can do both

What problem would this suggestion solve?: it takes about a minute or two for normal say coke to get cooked and thats 6 leaves in the factory you can do 15 leaves at a time for the same duration and have a place for planting inside there that gives you space to plant 30 seeds but your only aloud own the factory for 2 hrs and then you or anybody in your org cant buy it until 48 hrs have passed or longer
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Suggestion Title: More Drugs?
Suggestion Description: right now the server drug operation is very bland

Why should this be added?:
i feel like the drugs in the game are very simple and that there should be more drugs you can make like for example. Ketamine , ecstasy , LSD ,Fentanyl or steroids and it will be alot of work to do this so if its accepted i cannot imagine it coming soon but even if they dont get added i think that there should be different ways of making the ones in the game now like one the factorys if you make the equipment ( which should cost alot ) you could make greater amounts of said drug now this is more than likely gonna sound lioke a stupid idea but you could give it a chance.

What negatives could this have?:
- well if your using a factory the machinery willy be loud and players will more than likely know what your doing and may tend to target you more ect and you will have to keep attention on the process for max efficiency unless you have alot of people that can do both

What problem would this suggestion solve?: it takes about a minute or two for normal say coke to get cooked and thats 6 leaves in the factory you can do 15 leaves at a time for the same duration and have a place for planting inside there that gives you space to plant 30 seeds but your only aloud own the factory for 2 hrs and then you or anybody in your org cant buy it until 48 hrs have passed or longer
FENT UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a larger variety of drugs would be cool but id rather have a meth buff
FENT UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a larger variety of drugs would be cool but id rather have a meth buff
yes although it would be cool i can see why if they deny it because it will take alot of work and rework of the game but atleast if they added one or two new drugs of i mentioned and now do the whole grow cook sell done or just cook then done as its pretty much the same you get me. But yes and no about meth buff because it already does a good bit of a buff already and anymore it will be unfair for he other players
I like the idea, would just have to think of more player sided effects of the drugs. Open up new drug markets, more ways to make money, more reasons to raid a property, for both criminal and law enforcement
Öneri Başlığı: Daha Fazla İlaç Mı?
Öneri Açıklama: şu anda sunucu uyuşturucu operasyonu çok yumuşak

Bu neden eklenmeli?:
Oyundaki uyuşturucuların çok basit olduğunu ve örneğin yapabileceğiniz daha fazla uyuşturucu olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Ketamin, ecstasy, LSD, Fentanil, afyon veya steroidler ve bunu yapmak çok iş gerektirecek, bu yüzden kabul edilirse yakın zamanda geleceğini hayal edemiyorum ama eklenmeseler bile bunları yapmanın farklı yolları olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Oyunda artık bir fabrika gibi, ekipmanı yaparsanız (ki bu çok pahalıya mal olur), söz konusu ilaçtan daha fazla miktarda üretebilirsiniz, şimdi bu muhtemelen kulağa aptalca bir fikir gibi gelecektir ama ona bir şans verebilirsiniz.

Bunun ne gibi olumsuzlukları olabilir?:
- Eğer bir fabrika kullanıyorsanız makineler gürültülü olacaktır ve oyuncular büyük ihtimalle ne yaptığınızı anlayacak ve sizi daha çok hedef alma eğiliminde olacaklardır ve her ikisini de yapabilecek çok sayıda insanınız yoksa maksimum verimlilik için sürece dikkat etmeniz gerekecektir.

Bu öneri hangi sorunu çözer?: Normal diyelim kolanın pişmesi yaklaşık bir veya iki dakika sürer ve fabrikada bu 6 yapraktır, aynı süre içinde bir seferde 15 yaprak yapabilirsiniz ve orada ekim için bir yer vardır. size 30 tohum ekmeniz için alan verir, ancak fabrikayı yalnızca 2 saat boyunca yüksek sesle sahiplenirsiniz ve ardından siz veya kuruluşunuzdaki herhangi biri, 48 saat veya daha uzun bir süre geçene kadar onu satın alamazsınız.
dude, it sounds really great, but gmod may not be the right game to do this, because the optimization shortage is too much