More Ways To Make Money (Illeagly)

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North East England (UK)
  • Topic: Ok so im sure everyone on perp knows its a pain in the arse to make money and get your cars and shit so im suggesting new ways to make money (illegally) Suggestions Below:
  • Heroin>
    Comes as a white, greyish or brown powder. Often smoked it can also be injected or sniffed.

    • Effects - reduces physical and emotional pain and gives warm, drowsy feeling to allow users to forget their problems.

    • Problems - First time users are usually sick and it can take weeks/months to become 'hooked'. Overdosing on heroin is a major risk as street heroin is mixed with other substances. Overdose can mean falling into a coma or even death. Withdrawal symptoms can mean flu-like symptoms - sweating, shaking.
  • Money Printers>(i wonder what this does?)
  • LSD>
    Sold as small squares of paper with cartoon designs. These are swallowed and take up to half an hour to have an effect. A trip can last for as long as 12 hours.

    • Effects - drug changes the way that users see and hear things. There is heightened self-awareness and users can hallucinate.

    • Problems - 'bad trips' can be frightening. Users might feel anxious and accidents can occur when users are not in control of their faculties.
  • Ketamine>
    Powerful anaesthetic drug with medical uses which is usually sold as a white crystalline powder or tablet.

    • Effects - painkilling effects as well as altering perception. Low dose users might feel euphoric, and higher dose users might hallucinate.

    • Problems - numbness and unexpected muscle movements as well as feeling sick. Large doses can lead to unconsciousness.

    • The Law - Class C Drug possession can mean up to two years in prison and a fine supplying can mean 14 years imprisonment and a fine.
  • Khat>
    Khat is a leafy green plant and the leaves are chewed.

    • Effects - similar effects to Speed, more talkative and more energy, appetite supressant.

    • Problems - can lead to insomnia and confusion. High use can lead to high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

    Short explanation (in notes):
    -More ways to make drugs
    -Would be a lot more fun and unique to make these (Not just growing in a pot all day)
    -Less boring

    Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
    Now i already know that Money Printers have already been suggested and denied so im not expecting that to get anywhere but just have a good think for the other ones. Im not expecting this to get anywhere but im just hoping in the future Stephen will add more way to make money illegally.

    Optional additions:
    -Honest Opinions Please
    -Your Opinions Count!
    -Got any other drugs you think should be added?
Wouldn't mind to see a new drug(s) but I think you're getting a bit out of it with money printers.
I'd love to see some new drugs but money printers are just a no. Even the owners have said that money printers will never be added as it ruins the roleplay and it is definitely not realistic at all. They should have a new drug system with new drugs added so you could grow multiple drugs at the same time, making it a bit easier to earn more money. However, if new drugs are added I think they should only be worth half the amount of money you get for cocaine or weed because if you just grew all of them at once all at the same time then it would be a bit OP. But if you only earned half the amount then for example if you earned 1 million just from the new drugs when they are worth the same amount as cocaine, but if they were buffed and they were only worth half the amount then you would only earn 500k, which would make it a lot less OP and the game would still take a while to get good cars, but not as long. For example if you're saving up for a new car that costs 900k and you only have 800k, with the new drug system you would be able to get it, so it just would give you that bit of the boost you need for a new car if you understand what I mean.
We already have tons of ways to make money illegally.
What we don't have are ways to make money legally without owning a store.
(But I like this idea quite a bit)
Honestly I like the idea of adding all these new drugs and new ways to make money via drugs, HOWEVER I'm a bit on the edge with it. You say its hard to make money, however currently it is actually extremely easy to make plenty of money quickly. You see players on the server that affording expensive cars within a couple of weeks of growing, so adding more ways for growing drugs will mean they are making far too much money far too quickly, and eventually a lot of players will be driving about in Ferrari's and Lamborghini's etc.. I understand you want to afford a car quicker, but IRL it does take a long time to save up for a car, especially ones worth over a million.

I like the idea of new types of drugs, however if added the developers should consider decreasing the prices the drugs are worth, meaning there are a variety of ways that don't all make you too much money.

To conclude, I am neutral on this idea.
You basically want new drugs to get more money to get a car faster... this isn't in the interest of the server as it means people will be able to get to their goal faster and leave the server. We are trying to keep players, not get rid of them
"Would be alot more fun and unique to make this" In one day it will be as boring as growing weed or cocaine.
Sure the server needs more ways to be able to make money, illegally and legally. However just re-using the same idea and just calling it something else is not going to help.
What it needs is a more INTERESTING way than to just sit in your base with 100 people and clicking a button to get money, albeit i dont even know what that could be.
It's bad enough everyone powergrows all day, if 50/70 are growing then they add this, 70/70 will surely be doing drugs and down goes the server.
    • Ok so im sure everyone on perp knows its a pain in the arse to make money and get your cars and shit so im suggesting new ways to make money (illegally) Suggestions Below:

Its really easy to make money seriously, I have a Bugatti SS, Tesla Model S, BMW M3, Ford Shelby and a Raptor.

  • It's bad enough everyone powergrows all day, if 50/70 are growing then they add this, 70/70 will surely be doing drugs and down goes the server.

What else am I supposed to do, I make a shop and it catches fire due to next door not hearing about concrete?

Your ideas don't really add any variation to the current system. At present, it is considered that illegal ways of earning money are more prevalent, while legal methods remain heavily limited (which is why @StephenPuffs commonly remarks that people who complain about this matter should suggest ways in which it can change).

I like the idea of being different drugs, but maybe make it where the different drugs take different genes and skills, so you can't grow heroin, weed, cocaine, while making acid and shit. It's something that is difficult you support because the economy is fucked and it's pretty difficult to make money legally without being a cop.

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