Model Suggestion Mossberg 590 shockwave (expensive sawed off)

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Suggestion Title: Mossberg 590 shockwave (expensive sawed off)
Suggestion Description: Adding the ability to craft Mossberg 590s into Mossberg 590 “shockwave” firearms.

The 590 shockwave is the ATF’s worst nightmare and despite laws against sawed offs in the US, the 590 shockwave is the red line between legal and illegal.

The stats and defining features of the shockwave should be:
- The weapon should retain its iron sights, unlike the 870 short.
- The weapon should have a tighter shot cluster than the 870 short.
- The weapon should have its capacity reduced from 9 to 6 to accommodate for the shorter barrel.
- The weapon should feature similar recoil to the 870 short, as its defining features over it is its iron sights and better spread.

PERP is in need of more modern weapons as its newest gun is from 2006. What better way to do this than taking an existing model and making it shorter?

Why should this be added?:
- New gun!!!
- Adds an expensive concealable shotgun that won’t necessarily eat ass and get its owner killed if they can afford it.
- players have the option for an expensive, top shelf option for a concealable shotgun.
- Would be no less balanced than the 30-40 round concealable SMGs currently available

What negatives could this have?:
- modelling and animating required (unless the animation would translate over?)

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i feel like this would be a cool adition since we only have to concealable shotguns but i really think it would be slightly overpowered since the moosberg is already a strong shotgun. unless a debuff is added to the shorter version i feel like this should remain unadded
i feel like this would be a cool adition since we only have to concealable shotguns but i really think it would be slightly overpowered since the moosberg is already a strong shotgun. unless a debuff is added to the shorter version i feel like this should remain unadded
I already listed several debuffs from the standard Mossberg.
Or be smart and add slugs as a possible ammo type for shotguns :penguin:
This isn't even the point of the suggestion, its not to give shotguns more range, its to give the Mossberg the ability to have a concealable version of itself, which would be slightly more expensive, with simular downfalls to the other concealable shotgun versions while still having decent lethality.

Personally I'm all for this, as the only people you see using Mossberg are sweatersvests and the occasional TFU member. Would be nice to see a new firearm getting used for overall crime.