Motorcycles (Yes, I know it's been suggested before.)

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Topic: Motorcycles

Short explanation (in notes):
-Adding working motorcycles to the server
-Yes, there is a gas thing in it.
-Yes, there is a damage thing in it.
- Link to the mod:

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I have noticed that a lot of people have tried to suggest motorcycles for the server, and I have found a mod that works pretty well for the map. I also am a motorcycle enthusiast, and I have created a motorcycle club org in PerpHeads, and this would complete my dream for the game, as well as everyone elses. There are many, many bikes in this, and I know that a lot of bikes are fast, but that could be nerfed to make the prices of the bikes higher and lower IG, for example the superbikes (What I call them) would be the price and around the speed (Obviously slower or they would be OP) of Lambos and other expensive cars, Choppers and dirt bikes would be the price and speed of cars like vans and other vehicles, and the other bikes (I don't really know how to describe the bad ones) would be slow and the price of a mini or a Beetle.
I know that the admins (@Fredy @Xquality and @Bolli ) do have OCD for TDMCars, but could the owners please, for once, at least try and see if this mod works or not by adding it for a short amount of time, then making a poll to see if people have liked it or not.

Evidence that these Bikes would work fine for the server:
This man obviously doesn't use the gas or damage mod as all he wants to do is show off the performance and turning, but nonetheless he still gives a decent example of how the bikes work. Obviously, he was on one of those maps where pretty much any car can glitch out there, so he got crazy air from the tiniest of things, but I've tested it out on the Paralake V2 map and it drives like a dream.

Thank you @Frank for giving me all the links to the videos and mods, and I know that at least YOU support this idea, especially after using the bikes yourself. I recommend everybody to, before +Supporting or -Supporting to try out this mod yourself, so you know what I'm talking about and why I've put this certain mod as a suggestion.
I've tried these bikes and they're not very good + Fredy said earlier no this this and as Pusheen said it we use TDM not SCars
Regardsless if this would be compatible and have decent speeds/accelartions/etc. as already stated, the sitting animation doesn't fit a bike. It looks rubbish.
I don't mean to blow my own trumpet but fuck me we literally just went through this in the shoutbox and I even made a thread using motorcycles as an example A motorbike can go pretty much anywhere a suspect can on foot, but at double the speed. Think how impractical it will be chasing someone from regals to subs as a police officer in a car. You claim this would be dealt with by not making them fast, then why have the bikes in the first place? Their whole purpose is to be faster than cars, not slower.

Not only this, but I think a majority of the community literally just don't want to see it. Why can't you get that into your head?
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