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Reaction score
Your Steam: CJay
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MrAaron / Aaron Doman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41291045
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Me and my organization were basing in parker, and someone let this guy inside. He then starts to punch everyone inside for some time, and gets numerous warnings about consequences of his act. When I finally got tired of him causing problems for no reason (1.4), I took a knife out and tried to make him understand he should stop.
Then he starts to open the gates to troll and tip over our plants. He leaves the building and starts crashing into our cars outside (3.15). He crashed into Moti's Mercedes and McLovins Lamborghini.
When he comes back inside, he starts doing the exact thing that caused him to be injured in the first place, punching people. Which made us bat him down, and finish him off with a silenced Beretta.

A few moments later after he had respawned, he gets back to the business area asking for me. When he finds me at the gas station, he asks if I was the one with the bat, which is clearly breaking the new life rule (3.5), he then chases me and shoots me.

Evidence (Demo Required):
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Ah, I wasn't too sure about the 1.4, thanks for clearing that out.
I wouldn't call it banter, since he ruined the RP for some of the players inside. We did warn him about killing him, if he proceeded punching us.
After reviewing the footage, I can be sure of one thing, Aaron did break rule 3.5, as he killed you after an IC death, which, as he had no valid IC reason to do so, falls under rule 2.5, possibly 3.4 also.


Please don't hurt me @MrAaron
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He caused trouble IC, not OOC so it is fine.

I suppose he saw it as "banter"? Even if it was he broke 3.15.

He indeed broke 3.5
I would say he broke 3.4 as well by shooting you for no reason. (if he killed you or wrecked your car it would come under 2.5 as well.)
"Banter" is not acceptable as an excuse. It was before at like 3 in the morning but isn't anymore. (Can't comment)
@MrAaron clearly broke 3,5, 3,4, 3,15. He had no reason first of all to break nlr, secnod of all to randomly start punching you guys, aswell as ramming into your cars using his very expensive bugatti causing damage to his own vehicle. Clearly breaks the rules you listed. Aswell as 3.15


I can't think of one reason for Aarons actions to be justified.

User had no regard for his $4,000,000 Vehicle smashing into things as he pleases.

User re spawned and hunted down the man who killed him in his last life.

Was told multiple times to stop messing around in the base or he would be killed and yet continued.
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