MS Organization Applications

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Ontario, Canada.
Requirements that you should be aware of before posting an application:

(IC) Requirements

Always be prepared to contest drug turf and home base

-There is absolutely ZERO tolerance for disrespecting, or refusing to follow the
orders of a higher rank.

Under NO circumstances should you be in communication with rival organizations, unless told
to contact them by a Capo, or Lugartenientes.

Be ready to kill, in order to protect. Members of all ranks will be expected to help
when needed, i.e give weapons, ammo, supplies, etc.

Have no issues wearing a color code. We aren't making requirements on the EXACT clothing article
required to be worn, but understand the it must follow the color scheme of black top, and
black/blue jeans.

Don't be a mooch. We have no problems helping if its required, but don't rely on others for your own success.

Be willing to carry a gun on you at almost all times. This is ESPECIALLY true while on our turf. if your in a pinch, or have some business to take care of on our turf, this comes in handy. We RARELY back down from a confrontation.

Above all, do NOT, for ANY reason, snitch on a fellow member. Did your raid go south? Got picked by the cops? Bite the bullet. Don't drag others down with you. Of course we will try our best to help you avoid, or escape those situations, but be prepared for the worst.

(OOC) Requirements

have a minimum of 3 days playtime. An exception can be made if the applicant is vouched for by another member, or has a considerable history within other PERP servers.

Be located in Canada, USA, or any area that is somewhat relative to the Eastern Standard Timezone. This is in place because we want the org to be together a lot. Being 6 hours ahead of us for example, this may cause issues with having a solid group of players. This can be bypassed, but you MUST be able to flex your time to be able to interact with the org, atleast three times per week for an extended period of time.

Be a fun person to hang around. This simply means, dont cause problems. We play this to have fun, not be be enveloped with drama.

Application Template
What is your full name (IC)?

What is your age (IC)?

What are your strong suits, and why (i.e shooting, intimidation)?

Why have you decided to apply to MS (minimum 30 words)?

What makes you a better applicant than others applying?

Are you willing to improve on things that may make you weaker?


Your friend in the organization gives you a call, telling him to meet up at the storage in suburbs. Upon his arrival, he is being pursued by cops. after hopping in his truck, attempting to flee and help him, he escapes, however you are caught and arrested. They give you a plea deal, saying you will be given a lesser scentence if you give up your friends name, and possible locations. What do you do, and why?

Its been a long night, and your riding home with a fellow member, when his phone rings. Before he answers, you catch a glimpse of the caller ID, and recognize the last name as that of a high ranking member within a rival gang. Your friend then proceeds to have a casual, friendly conversation with the rival. What do you do, and why?

Soon after being accepted into the organization, you notice a familiar face in the parking lot at the bazzar. Hes an old friend, who's joined a rival gang. Come to think of it, the MS has a hit out on him for whacking one of the Sicarios. He asks whats been happening lately, and invites you to have drinks with him later that night. He is unaware of your membership to the C.D.G. What do you do, and why?

OOC Info:

What is your age?

How much playtime do you have? If you do not meet the requirements, who vouched for you, and/or explain your experience in past PERP servers.

Are you in relative location to EST?

What timezone are you located in, and can you flex your hours in order to participate in group activites? (put N/A here if you put YES for the above answer).

Thank you for your interest into the Organization. You will be contacted within 24-48 hours after posting an application. CONTENT ABOVE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE

As an administrative figure within the ORG, I have been given permission from the leader to post this thread.
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United Kingdom
What is your full name (IC)? Ben Anderson

What is your age (IC)? 25

What are your strong suits, and why (i.e shooting, intimidation)? shooting and protection mainly as i am good at barricading and getting people into choke points where we rek them.

Why have you decided to apply to C.D.G (minimum 30 words)? i have applied for C.D.G as it looks very fun, organised and well set up. the way its has been set up it seems that everyone will help you out and be good friends and i am willing to help out when people are in need and like the whole close group thing also.

What makes you a better applicant than others applying? i am loyal to the org and stick by them and help out where ever i can so everyone has a good chance to live peacefully without and mishaps.

Are you willing to improve on things that may make you weaker? i will most certainly try.


Your friend in the organization gives you a call, telling him to meet up at the storage in suburbs. Upon his arrival, he is being pursued by cops. after hopping in his truck, attempting to flee and help him, he escapes, however you are caught and arrested. They give you a plea deal, saying you will be given a lesser sentence if you give up your friends name, and possible locations. What do you do, and why? i wouldn't tell his name as that's not right and is being a dick, i would just do the time i was given and when i get out at least i would hope he would do the same for me if it came to it.

Its been a long night, and your riding home with a fellow member, when his phone rings. Before he answers, you catch a glimpse of the caller ID, and recognize the last name as that of a high ranking member within a rival gang. Your friend then proceeds to have a casual, friendly conversation with the rival. What do you do, and why? i would ask him why is he talking to him and see what he has to say but the rules are don't associate with other gangs so i would have to tell a higher rank about it and let it go from there.

Soon after being accepted into the organization, you notice a familiar face in the parking lot at the bazaar. Hes an old friend, who's joined a rival gang. Come to think of it, the C.D.G has a hit out on him for whacking one of the Sicarios. He asks whats been happening lately, and invites you to have drinks with him later that night. He is unaware of your membership to the C.D.G. What do you do, and why? i would be friendly with him so he earns my trust and either bring him to my place or where the rest of the crew were and I/we would take him hostage and take his stuff then leave him to the piranhas so to speak. another way i would do it was to take him to the woods or my house and when he isnt looking pop him in the back of the head and then finish him maybe with a machete.

OOC Info:

What is your age? 17

How much playtime do you have? If you do not meet the requirements, who vouched for you, and/or explain your experience in past PERP servers. 3 weeks

Are you in relative location to EST? the uk

What timezone are you located in, and can you flex your hours in order to participate in group activites? (put N/A here if you put YES for the above answer). GMT i could mainly on weekends but if people re on during the week i will do things with them like grow and raid
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Nice application page you will probably expect me joining in as i have been inactive plus me and stomper are really close friends so just saying
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United Kingdom
What is your full name (IC)? Alan Dill

What is your age (IC)? 37

What are your strong suits, and why (i.e shooting, intimidation)? Observing, sniping, keeping wandering eyes from knowing of our operations by intimidation, whether they be police, civilians or rival gang members. Basically, I'm a gun-loving bouncer.

Why have you decided to apply to C.D.G (minimum 30 words)? El Jefe is one of the most well respected and feared men in America, and I would be proud to fight, kill and die for him. I would be glad to give my skills and efforts to the crew. I know that this group has high standards, and I will both appreciate them and reach them as much as I can.

What makes you a better applicant than others applying? I can dedicate a large amount of time to the crew, I never freeload and I am great working in groups. I will also always bring my best weaponry, regardless of the risk of losing it. I am also patient and will always attempt to help those of us that need help.

Are you willing to improve on things that may make you weaker? I will always try to improve myself and the org in every way possible, even when most of or all of the group aren't in the city.


Your friend in the organization gives you a call, telling him to meet up at the storage in suburbs. Upon his arrival, he is being pursued by cops. after hopping in his truck, attempting to flee and help him, he escapes, however you are caught and arrested. They give you a plea deal, saying you will be given a lesser sentence if you give up your friends name, and possible locations. What do you do, and why?

I would tell them nothing, or, if the situation allows, send them to a rival gang base. I would never snitch on another member.

Its been a long night, and your riding home with a fellow member, when his phone rings. Before he answers, you catch a glimpse of the caller ID, and recognize the last name as that of a high ranking member within a rival gang. Your friend then proceeds to have a casual, friendly conversation with the rival. What do you do, and why?

I would contact El Jefe or a Lugarteniente and tell them what is going on and what I should do. If they aren't available, I would contact the friend through org-speak, reminding him that his actions are out of line.

Soon after being accepted into the organization, you notice a familiar face in the parking lot at the bazaar. He's an old friend, who's joined a rival gang. Come to think of it, the C.D.G has a hit out on him for whacking one of the Sicarios. He asks what's been happening lately, and invites you to have drinks with him later that night. He is unaware of your membership to the C.D.G. What do you do, and why?

I would tell him that I would be obliged to go out with him, push a gun against his back once he gets on the highway, and make him drive to a location near our base. I would then ask where and how El Jefe wishes that I should dispose of him, whether it be in front of the group, or in the woods, just me and the target.

OOC Info:

What is your age? 13 (14 in 3 months)

How much playtime do you have? If you do not meet the requirements, who vouched for you, and/or explain your experience in past PERP servers. I have 2 and a 1/2 weeks of playtime, and have been part of the community for a little over a year.

Are you in relative location to EST? No, I am in London, but I can work in EST.

What timezone are you located in, and can you flex your hours in order to participate in group activites? (put N/A here if you put YES for the above answer). I am available in the early morning and late night of GMT. So I should be available on weekdays at 11PM-2AM EST and 9AM-2PM/9AM-4PM EST on weekends.
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