Server Suggestion Mugging Profits

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Suggestion Title: Mugging Profits
Suggestion Description: Players should drop a small amount of cash if carrying over a certain amount.
Same thing for drugs if player is mugged near a drug dealer and is killed they drop a certain amount drugs that is on them.

Why should this be added?:
- So Just from my experience, Whenever mugging someone at drug dealer 90% of the time they are carrying a gun in their hands so you end up having a shootout with the person instead of an actual mugging happening. This results in either you killing the player or them killing you meaning you gain nothin, kill someone and become wanted if the body is found or you die and gain nothing.

I think this would have a good impact on mugging there are probably a few downside players can list as I've heard this has been suggested before.

What negatives could this have?:
- People Only taking small amounts to drug dealer
- People not carrying high amounts of cash ( like this now anyway )

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Not gaining anything from a mugging instead Dying or killing the other person and then being wanted by police.
If you willingly engage a person who has a weapon in hands than that is on you.

If they break GP then you can report them. At times people are offered to give up items you would've received from the would-be mugging instead of receiving a ban.
Like I stated in a brief conversation regarding this in OOC, I believe that this will cause more issues then it fixes, as it will incentivize people to attempt to mug someone with a visible gun in their hands in order to take the drugs they have on them, even if it would put their life at risk, therefore violating rule 3.4, in addition to this, some players might not even make an attempt to mug at DD if this change would be implemented, simply just KOSing anyone if they are armed at DD(Which would violate rule 2.5) in order to receive a portion of the drugs they are selling.
This is a tough issue. It's hard to design a system that doesn't suck... I'll leave my notes for an implementation that wasn't pursued. I'm sure there are issues with it, and there are no plans to do it in the short-term. So this isn't how it's going to be, it's just my personal, free-time thought experiment of how it could work.

Happy to hear your thoughts.

When you go unconscious from a weapon, or when you die by one, your body becomes lootable.

When someone loots your body, after a short performing action time, a search screen appears, where you can take the following:
  • Drugs, up to 33% of what they have. (40% if they're not dead yet, to discourage finishing off a bit)
  • Money, up to 33% of that they have. (40% if they're not dead yet, to discourage finishing off a bit)
  • Explosives, any unequipped illegal item
For a body to be lootable, here are the conditions:
  • It needs to go unconscious/die in a muggable area. Public roads, buildings, are excluded.
    This includes private properties, back alleyways, forest, etc.
    PROBLEM: people knowingly running into a public area when gun-pointed. (minor)
  • It needs to go unconscious/die because of a weapon, no vehicle/prop deaths.
  • You can also loot bodies that have items that were recently looted from others.
    To prevent people from giving money/items to their friends.
  • The killer needs to be alive, or to die nearby.
    PROBLEM: Only the killers should really loot the body. If they or their group leave without doing so, nobody else should really be doing it.
    PROBLEM: mugging with allies/unaffiliated
  • You need to have zip-ties on you to loot corpses.
    If you had no zip-ties in the first place, how were you planning to mug the other player?
    GOOD: they drop on death if equipped, so your allies can pick them up and use them
    PROBLEM: players will just always carry zip-ties, even when not mugging
    POSSIBLE SOLUTION: make zip-ties always illegal, in all circumstances. Might need to tweak the recipe a bit so it's easier to self-craft (as openly selling in bazaar would be illegal)
To deter minge-grabbers, or people running to loot corpses in the middle of a shootout:
  • You can only loot corpses while having a weapon out.
  • The person who killed, or their org/allies/fellow officers, get looting priority if they're nearby, unrestrained and alive, for a while.
    • The Police always have priority, except if they're bleeding. This doesn't apply to civilians because they can flee and bandage later.
Effects of looting:
  • When a body is looted, the original owner loses 100% of the items mugged and wallet cash (not just 33%/40%). Even if they disconnected.
  • The looter receives the items, marked as "tainted"/dirty (to prevent storage for a while)
Other requirements:
  • The system should work even when the original player disconnects while unconscious/dead.
  • Police should keep confiscated items on them for a while. (This update could be linked to the investigation one)
  • Recently-looted items CANNOT be stored, not even in chests/trunks.

  • Why make it 33%?
    To deter people from killing instead of mugging.
  • I will lose 66% if people break rules and ignore GP?
    Yes. But they will lose it all.
  • Can I ask an admin for what I didn't get?
    Up to the Admin team, IMO they shouldn't.
This is a tough issue. It's hard to design a system that doesn't suck... I'll leave my notes for an implementation that wasn't pursued. I'm sure there are issues with it, and there are no plans to do it in the short-term. So this isn't how it's going to be, it's just my personal, free-time thought experiment of how it could work.

Happy to hear your thoughts.

When you go unconscious from a weapon, or when you die by one, your body becomes lootable.

When someone loots your body, after a short performing action time, a search screen appears, where you can take the following:
  • Drugs, up to 33% of what they have. (40% if they're not dead yet, to discourage finishing off a bit)
  • Money, up to 33% of that they have. (40% if they're not dead yet, to discourage finishing off a bit)
  • Explosives, any unequipped illegal item
For a body to be lootable, here are the conditions:
  • It needs to go unconscious/die in a muggable area. Public roads, buildings, are excluded.
    This includes private properties, back alleyways, forest, etc.
    PROBLEM: people knowingly running into a public area when gun-pointed. (minor)
  • It needs to go unconscious/die because of a weapon, no vehicle/prop deaths.
  • You can also loot bodies that have items that were recently looted from others.
    To prevent people from giving money/items to their friends.
  • The killer needs to be alive, or to die nearby.
    PROBLEM: Only the killers should really loot the body. If they or their group leave without doing so, nobody else should really be doing it.
    PROBLEM: mugging with allies/unaffiliated
  • You need to have zip-ties on you to loot corpses.
    If you had no zip-ties in the first place, how were you planning to mug the other player?
    GOOD: they drop on death if equipped, so your allies can pick them up and use them
    PROBLEM: players will just always carry zip-ties, even when not mugging
    POSSIBLE SOLUTION: make zip-ties always illegal, in all circumstances. Might need to tweak the recipe a bit so it's easier to self-craft (as openly selling in bazaar would be illegal)
To deter minge-grabbers, or people running to loot corpses in the middle of a shootout:
  • You can only loot corpses while having a weapon out.
  • The person who killed, or their org/allies/fellow officers, get looting priority if they're nearby, unrestrained and alive, for a while.
    • The Police always have priority, except if they're bleeding. This doesn't apply to civilians because they can flee and bandage later.
Effects of looting:
  • When a body is looted, the original owner loses 100% of the items mugged and wallet cash (not just 33%/40%). Even if they disconnected.
  • The looter receives the items, marked as "tainted"/dirty (to prevent storage for a while)
Other requirements:
  • The system should work even when the original player disconnects while unconscious/dead.
  • Police should keep confiscated items on them for a while. (This update could be linked to the investigation one)
  • Recently-looted items CANNOT be stored, not even in chests/trunks.

  • Why make it 33%?
    To deter people from killing instead of mugging.
  • I will lose 66% if people break rules and ignore GP?
    Yes. But they will lose it all.
  • Can I ask an admin for what I didn't get?
    Up to the Admin team, IMO they shouldn't.
I like this idea for the most part...
but I feel like it might add a little too much friction to the whole loop of mugging someone or participating in crime while in muggable zones.

If this suggestion's main goal is to solve the issue of always missing out due to armed subjects, I feel like it might be too complicated for that. Most of the time you end up exchanging shots in an attempted mug, you want to leave as soon as possible as it's likely other people will show up or police will show up.

I feel like opening an entire menu to take items off of the player while you're completely defenseless (you have a gun out, but if there's a menu up you obviously can't do much) wouldn't be much better than just introducing an addendum to 3.4 that make it so outnumbered people or people with their backs turned are liable to follow 3.4 despite having firearms at their side.

I also feel like the mingegrabbing situation could be entirely avoided if the server checks for any recent combat or shots fired. Currently I don't know if there's any way for the server to know if shots are fired without hits, as I'm not a developer. But if there was a way to know, this could be a quick way to determine when it's safe for bodies to be looted. Maybe make players wait a minute or two after the most previous shots fired before trying to loot.

I absolutely love the idea of police keeping confiscated items. One of my favorite things about SantosRP was the fact that any confiscated items were stored in an evidence room. So if you were to raid PD, you could get your confiscated items back, but only those that are your's or your friends.
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