My absence from the server

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As some of you might know, I am from time to time working outside the borders of my beloved Kingdom of Denmark. I have taken a work related assignment north of Stockholm, and I'm now on my 4th week up here, not in a row though. As it is right now, we plan to finish the project next week, ending on the 21st of march.

So that's why you haven't see much from me, other than on the forums. Even though this is a good project with high tech stuff, it will be nice when its all over and we can go back to our normal lives, in my case the PERP life! In the meantime, try not to break any server rules! See you all soon.

Here are some pictures, so that you might understand just a Tiny bit of what my job requires me to do :)
ArnoldGerkin;n21882 said:
I'm intrigued, what is it you do if you don't mind me asking?

I'm a baker.
No seriously now, I'm a technician who work with regulation and control of ventilation and water plants. Long story short, if you see a wall mounted module hanging in an office, school or even some bigger private homes, chances are that its a technician like me who works with that.

We have a lot of different kind of costumers, some can be a small business with one small plant, others can be huge integrated office buildings were we control both the ventilation, the CCTV, the access control like key cards and the intruder alarm system.
Hm looks interesting, if you mind me asking Fexxe how did you get into that profession?
From the looks of things I'm assuming that you went to University and studied some sort of Security? or Information Technology based course..
just generally interested :).
ind;n22196 said:
Hm looks interesting, if you mind me asking Fexxe how did you get into that profession?
From the looks of things I'm assuming that you went to University and studied some sort of Security? or Information Technology based course..
just generally interested :).

You would think so yes, but no I have not studied any of those things. I'm an educated electrician with a new specialty called building automation, and that is what I'm working with now. I must admit that I got really lucky by getting this job, but I'm ever grateful for it and I see it as my dream job come true :)
Fexxe;n22470 said:
You would think so yes, but no I have not studied any of those things. I'm an educated electrician with a new specialty called building automation, and that is what I'm working with now. I must admit that I got really lucky by getting this job, but I'm ever grateful for it and I see it as my dream job come true :)

Oh right I see, wow awesome man, good luck with the rest of your project though.
Thanks everyone.
I'm now back in Sweden again, after the weekend at home. Another week in hell as we say ;)
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