My apology.

Reaction score

I've been wanting to do this for a while but I've been so distracted lately but now I've found the time to do this. The perpheads community has been the best community I've ever met on any game or forum before. The memories I've made with certain people here have honestly been the best and I will always have a special place for perpheads in my heart. As a result, when I rule break or affect the community in a negative way and receive any form of punishment for it I do feel down about it. I try my best to always make sure I never break any rules but I make mistakes, some severe, some mediocre but every rule break has been a new way for me to understand the server in a deeper manner. I always forgive but I cannot guarantee I will be forgiven. I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone who I've wronged during my time while playing perp. I was quite the minge at the beginning and I didn't really see perp's full potential as a diverse and vast place to roleplay and to make new friends and memories. I am sorry for prop pushing anyone's cars or bases or causing any item to be damaged as a result of my recklessness. I would also like to specifically apologize to @BigNonce @Tomo and @StarryMuffin for blindly making an AR and framing them for metagaming in a situation where metagaming could have easily been avoided. You guys were great to talk to and have fun with on discord. @Adrish for being aggressive in the way I spoke while I responded to the AR made on me. @Daigestive and @Knoxy82 for ramming into their raptor today without better thought and also my aggressive manner responding to the report. We all have times where we feel wronged and that is normal in a server with so many things to watch out for to avoid rule-breaking and to grow as a person. To anyone else who feels like I've been a dick to them I apologize. I value this community and everyone in it and this is my attempt at maturing and being of assistance to anyone. A friendlier face is a promise to everyone who I've been unfriendly to. I do have personal issues and major life changes at the moment and is why I can be aggressive, but I do my best to maintain a calm attitude to the best of my ability. I will strive to be an active and helpful member of this community and I hope my apology can be a testimony of my attempt to improve.
my report you on earlier wasn't an attack or anything. I'm just sick and tired of cops ramming my car which would realistically kill the cop and me and there response is oh but Cop CaRs ArE ARmoUrED! still breaking 3.15 and 3.4, i just hope cops look at you for example and stop doing it because it will just get them banned/warned and a IA made on them.