Name Tags

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The names above people's heads, terribly unrealistic, but vital for gameplay.

The main problem I have with them is that it allows you to very easily spot people hiding behind trees, for example.

What could be done? Smaller names? You need to be closer to see them? Can't see name tags unless you know the person and have introduced yourself to them? Remove the name tags?
The range should be lowered. You should only be able to see someone's name above their heads when they are really close to you. I'd say the length of a wooden fence is ok.

Or maybe implement a new system where only people that you shared your name can see your name, but the range should still be close, or maybe just show the name when you're aiming at the player. If you ever played Clockwork: Experiment you'll know the name system of it, it's pretty good. I'll explain it in case you don't know. Let's say you're in a room with 4 people and you introduce yourself, then you press F2 then a little menu comes up with three options: 'Whisper Range', 'Talking Range' and 'Yelling range'. Depending on the range you choose, the people in that range now knows it's you and they can see your name. If someone has not F2'd you, you only see their physical description that they have set, for example "Blue Eyes, 170cm Tall, Black Leather Jacket" etc.

RageWaffle;n1908 said:
Only Your Friends Can See Your Name

That's not true.
The main problem I would have with removing name labels is actually recognizing people, because sometimes there is more than one person with same costume and face.
Lowering range seems good for people you don't know but what about the org and buddy names ? I mean IRL wouldn't you recognize your colleage or friend from a far distance ?
I had an idea where you one can't see another's name unless they typed a command which told the former the latter's name. Example situation:

"Hey man, thanks for helping me to get away from the cops!"
"Mon, no problem ja know. Ey, wass yo name breda?"
"Elton Lahey, yourself? --types "/givename" while reticle is aimed at the new friend--"

It would also be sophisticated for when you become a police officer, but the problem is that it would have to reset the list while you're a police officer, but return it after you've finished being a police officer.

Another idea would be the use of an ID card, or a driving license, which you can show to someone, and if that person is staring right at it, he can recognize your name.

The other thing that can go along with this is identity change as well. Imagine you know someone's name, but you're a fugitive, you could maybe change your identity or something, and the name would be lost to people? Dunno.
Because of some inspiration from, and thanks to, Bolli's idea about a ghillie suit for snipers, here's an amazingly simple idea/suggestion to resolve this problem:

Ski masks:

Buy/craft one of these masks, and when you wear it, your face is obviously hidden, but your name tag also disappears. Perfect.


Increased realism.

Able to rob the bank without having to kill witnesses.

Able to commit crimes without being worried about witnesses.

Able to hide without people being able to find you because of your name tag.


Banks don't generally allow ski masks, hats, sub glasses, etc; most shops also wouldn't allow people to wear a ski mask inside, other than that, they are legal to walk around with, however, if you become a suspect for ANY reason, Police officers could ask you to remove it to reveal your face.


Would work well as other accessories could also be put-on and removed at will; they would be stored in the inventory, and would take time to take-off and put-on.
You have to say your name, or someone else says your name in order to be able to see your name... or something like that
I've suggested the "Ski mask" idea in the old forums, unfortunately it got denied.

A good idea is that only a description will be shown on the top of your head when you are very near from the chracter, once the chracter types his name near you, you will be able to see his name on top of his head.
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