Narcotics Guide

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Creating Narcotics

The criminal side of Perpheads is based around weapons, cars, and prestige, however all of the attributes which make up the lifestyle of a Perpheads criminal ultimately revolve around the source of income, Drugs.

On Perpheads there are is a range of drugs which you can choose to produce, some more profitable or dangerous than others, these drugs include:

- Marijuana

- Cocaine

- Magic Mushrooms

- Crystal Meth

Obtaining the resources necessary to get started with the production of these drugs can cost a significant amount of money in some cases, the resources and the materials/requirements you need to craft them can be found under the F1 - Crafting tab.

Marijuana & Coca Plants

Marijuana can be produced using either a Basic Planter or a Planter Box, and Seeds.

Basic Planters require water bottles and Seeds. - This method is less efficient and provides less profit.

Planter Boxes require a Water Tank, Gardening Pots, and Seeds - This method doesn't require you to purchase water bottles as the water tanks are refillable from a water source, such as the lake located at Hicktown, also known as Paralake, or the pond in the park behind the bank.

Planter Boxes can contain the growth of 6 seeds per planter, however, Basic Planters only contains 5 seeds and can take longer to grow.

Both Coca seeds and Cannabis seeds are purchasable from the Drug Dealer and their end form (Marijuana and Cocaine) can be sold for $150 each.

In conclusion, the process of gathering the materials required to begin the process is cheaper and easier for the Basic Planter method, however, the Planter Box method is more profitable and efficient, and is generally better to use.

It's worth noting that Marijuana takes roughly 15 minutes to produce using a Planter Box depending on water concentration, whereas Coca plants take approximately double the time but produce almost double the amount.

Coca plant water concentration is best at 2.5, whereas Marijuana plants concentration is 2.1.

Planter Box:


Basic Planter:


Cocaine - Drying out Coca Plant Leaves

When the Cocaine seeds have grown, you will harvest Coca Plant Leaves. In order to produce pure cocaine, you must dry out these leaves.

For this process, a Chemical Table will be required. The materials needed to craft one of these will be listed in the F1 - Crafting Menu under Furniture. You will also need to craft 2 Pyrex Dishes. Other materials you will need to purchase for this process include, cookers, Newspaper, and propane tanks as a fuel.

First of all, you'll need a property to place the Chemical table in, when equipping the table in a property, outlines will appear where the table can be placed, walk over to these designated places and left click once the outline turns green.

Secondly, you'll need to add your components to the table, add the Cookers, Pyrex Dishes and the Propane tanks by left clicking on them while looking at the table.

Newspaper should then be added by entering the table's menu by pressing E and pressing "Add ingredients"

Once this has all been set up, the coca plant leaves can be added, the process is faster if the fuel is used (adjusted by the Power slider) however they will dry without too. Once the leaves have dried up to 50%you must add an ingredient, there are a range to choose from but some examples are Muriatic acid, Iodine and Acetone

Once the ingredient has been added, the Leaves will continue to dry, when finished, the menu will say "Collect Contents" upon clicking you will receive Cocaine which you can then sell to the Drug Dealer.

Two Coca Plant Leaves can be dried at once on a Chemical Table and 1 newspaper and extra ingredient is used per leaf.

Seeding Coca & Cannabis

Buying seeds constantly can add up to be quite expensive, to combat losing a lot of your earnings you can choose to grow more seeds.

To do this, you must grow the Marijuana or Coca plants as usual, however instead of picking them when Ready, you must ensure they have enough water to continue growing past this where they will go through the flowering stage, then finally the seeding phase where you will harvest your seeds, you may swap the water tanks for others which have more contents, however make sure not to leave your plant without water for too long or they might die.


You may also use the Pause Growing function to stop your plants dying while switching water tanks or to stop them from going onto the flowering and seeding phase if you just want to grow Marijuana to sell.
To begin the process of growing Magic Mushrooms, you mush first buy some from the Drug Dealer. Unlike any of the other drugs, this is the only material you will need.
The process of growing mushrooms is pretty simple, once you have a mushroom, you need to find a suitable growing area, it is quite obvious where you can grow mushrooms, grassy or muddy areas for example.

Mushrooms simply multiply when planted so once planted, you simply have to wait for other mushrooms to grow around the one you planted, when they are fully grown you can pick them and sell them back to the Drug Dealer or replant them to increase the amount of mushrooms growing at once.

Crystal Meth

To create meth, a range of equipment is required.
  • Cookers​
  • Distillation kits​
  • Propane tanks​
  • Beakers​
  • Erlenmeye flasks​
  • Meth for Dummies Book - Purchasable from the Drug Dealer​
This is all the equipment you will need to set up your Chemical table for the stages of creating meth.
Other ingredients suchas medicines and binders will be needed for the cooking process, these are outlined in the "Meth for Dummies" book.

Distillation of Medicine

The first step of cooking meth is fairly simple, you must get a liquid, this can be water or another liquid chemical, and add it to a chosen Medicine in the Distillation Kit
Ensure that you place the Flasks on the table so that your product can be collected.


If you decide to use water, you can first create distilled water by simply putting the water in the distillation kit alone and heat it. This will produce a more pure type of meth than using lake water

Cooking Liquid Meth

Step 2.
Once the medicine has been distilled, the distillation kit is to be removed and the beakers should be placed on top of the cookers. Once set up, add the distilled medicine to the beaker with a phosphorus, an example of a phosphorus is baking power or matches (Suitable medicines and phosphorus ingredients are outlined in the "Meth for Dummies" book)

Once the distilled medicine and phosphorus is added, you can increase the power of the cooker, however you must ensure the temperature does not exceed 200°, the mixture will begin to cook once it is hot enough, select Power option 3 to keep the mixture cooking slowly but at a safe temperature until the mixture turns red and is half cooked (50%)

Once the mixture is halfway cooked you must add a binder such as glue or starch AND another chemical such as Lye or Muriatic Acid, the temperature will drop when these new ingredients are added, however you can increase the temperature again but be aware that if the temperature goes above 200° the same risk is present.

When the mixture is 100%, collect the contents of the mixture and you will receive Liquid Meth
Liquid Meth can be produced in different qualities depending on the combination of ingredients you use, the best being Pure and the worst being Ruined. These qualities will affect the yield of crystal meth you get in the final process so aim for the best possible combination of ingredients this process will be trial and error unless you find someone who already knows a good combination.

Crystallising liquid meth

Once you have the Liquid meth in the beakers, remove the cooker from the table and place only propane tanks and the liquid meth on the table by left clicking them while looking at the table, from here there is nothing you need to do but wait for the liquid meth to stop bubbling and reach 100%.


Once the liquid meth has crystallised, collect contents and you will receive a sum of crystal meth which you can sell to the Drug Dealer for $250 each.
This process may seem complicated and expensive to start up however it is very profitable when done correctly.

Preferred ingredients
(For 20 Batches)

20 Sudafed from hospital OR 20 Ephedrine from the drug dealer (Ephedrine preferred but if not possible just get Sudafed)
20 Lye from Roadcrew
20 Ethyl Ether from Roadcrew
20 Matches from Gas stations
20 Starch from Fredys

PS - Formatting and stuff might be a bit fucked, this was originally made about a year ago when the drug update came out on a google doc, this is just a copy paste​
yo when i started grinding off of meth i heard that there's a secret recipe only tinyslayer and like...2 other people know that's really really profitable.
Mushrooms simply multiply when planted so once planted, you simply have to wait for other mushrooms to grow around the one you planted, when they are fully grown you can pick them and sell them back to the Drug Dealer or replant them to increase the amount of mushrooms growing at once.

Mushrooms also die typically after multiplying.
where as Marijuana plants concentration is 2.2.
*2.1. I set 4 plants on opposite sides of the planter to 2.2 and left the rest at 2.1. The 2.2 were still on 95% by the time the 2.1's were ready.