Nate Sparks ban request

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You can clearly see mate that I did not see your gag in text as I was trying to change your direction of view and have you put your gun away in which I thought I have and so I shot and killed you never seeing that text. All happened in about 5 sec. I know your out for blood being a kid and all but mate this could of been sorted out in game. I'm 30 years old this month and know the rules and enforce and ban others for their failures if major or I just tell them that don't do that shit again. I don't go around breaking rules left and right or I wouldn't be in the position I am now. I did not see your text and if I did then things would not have gone the way they did.

So mate sorry that your upset.
Nate Sparks said:
You can clearly see mate that I did not see your gag in text as I was trying to change your direction of view and have you put your gun away in which I thought I have and so I shot and killed you never seeing that text. All happened in about 5 sec. I know your out for blood being a kid and all but mate this could of been sorted out in game. I'm 30 years old this month and know the rules and enforce and ban others for their failures if major or I just tell them that don't do that shit again. I don't go around breaking rules left and right or I wouldn't be in the position I am now. I did not see your text and if I did then things would not have gone the way they did.

So mate sorry that your upset.
Hmm. Well im totally not a part of this but i do know the only way you could have reached the rank you are now is achieved by good roleplaying and definatly not by rulebreaking.
Buy i do want to tell you other people also dont see a action made ingame and get warnings or even in the worst case a ban for the same thing, so you might understand why this person is angry about it and posted a ban request.

But its nice of you to apoligize for the things you have caused.
I have a video recorded on twitch just know he is pissing players off whit no reason then open fire and my buddy hit him many times he did not die and escape.
well mate if you call the cops on me standing around it gives me a reason to kill you for trying to get me arrested. Don't call the cops next time and dont threaten me with guns and i wont kill you.
Nate Sparks said:
well mate if you call the cops on me standing around it gives me a reason to kill you for trying to get me arrested. Don't call the cops next time and dont threaten me with guns and i wont kill you.
I agree with you.
Stefandefqon1 said:
I have a video recorded on twitch just know he is pissing players off whit no reason then open fire and my buddy hit him many times he did not die and escape.
As the gaben bloke above me said, upload it.
Shits going down in chinatown - On a serious note; here's a few things which lead me to believe that Nate Sparks should not be sanctioned:
  • It's very easy not to see chat text when focusing on what is happening around you, in Nate's case this was trying to distract you.
  • You did not fully establish what parts of his body you were tying. (Legs hands, etc) // You probably should to give a clearer roleplay picture.
Overall Nate, you did break rule 6.9

6.9 Being Tied-up - When a player(s) has been tied-up and/or gagged, in some form, by another player(s), the former player(s) can only become untied and/or ungagged with the direct assistance of another player(s) and/or a knife and/or machete - the ‘/me’ functionality must be used where appropriate. Players must also not use their inventory, phone, and/or the ‘/911’, ‘/pm’ and/or the ‘/org’ functions, while tied-up.

Rules are rules, and the above is not just my opinion - It's a rule, and a fact. As an Administrator you should understand the rules.
This was all just a mistake, Nate clearly didn't see your /me and Nate is really sorry about the inconvenience.
He will refund you the items lost at your earliest convenience

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