New Job / Vehicle

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Main Idea: Either add this vehicle for the fire department or maybe make a new job like "Highway Worker"

Full description of the idea: Some qutoes from the discussion post: "
Sometimes accidents happens on the highway, and emergency personnel are forced to park their vehciles on the highway to help out. And I've seen very often people ramming into the emergency vehicles because they couldn't break in time. And this happens in real life aswell. What some countries then did is that they bought TMA vehicles. What is that you might ask. Let me explain. Lets say there's an traffic accident on the highway. Firetrucks, ambulances responds to the accident. Police aswell and they try to close of the lane so that they can work alone. But some drivers couldn't break in time and almost killed the personnel working on the accident. So then a TMA vehcile reponds with lights and siren."

The TMA vehcile got a big screen in the big wich they can cantrol. Making light up like an arrow or a warning sign. Just to make incomming traffic more alert that theres been an acident ahead.

Why should it be added?: It would add alot more realism, and it will protect the people on the highway

Pros: Adds something more for the fire fighters to do so they don't have to sit at the FD all day long.

Cons: Maybe not worth the effort? Hard to code the big screen

*Other additions: I know that Tim Meijer made a similar suggestion like this, but it got denied due to the inactivity of the post.

Really like this idea, I think it'd help prevent accidents on the highway since most officers don't even notify the general public of an incident by placing props to warn incoming civilians or anything of the sort. Instead of making it for fire fighters or making a new job we could give it to roadcrew who can use it for particularly large scale incidents on the highway?
I think this is a great idea but it has a few minor flaws that I find make it impracticable.

First of all their is a division with the PLPD known as the Road Traffic Unit that specializes in traffic incidents and are trained in road/laneclosures.

Secondly I feel like putting up a big truck is even more dangerous than having trained RT Units managing a roadblock. I think a good solution for this is the following.

Keep the idea of an electronic tv looking device but make it much more mobile and possibly be able to fit on the median of the highway out of the way of drivers but still alerting them of the hazards ahead. The design of the item would be a post with 3 legs and at the top would be a tv of sorts that could have a few different presets for text like, Check Point, Left Lane Ends, Right Lane Ends, Road Closure etc. This equipment would be available for Road Traffic units by talking to the armory NPC and claiming it like you would your service firearm.
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