New Keyboard and probaly mouse

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Well, since my current keyboard is fucked up (most keys dont or only sometimes work, others I needed to change with other keys I dont use that often) I have to buy a new one. I'm currently thinking about either the Logitech 910 or the Razer Black Widow, but can't decide which one I should buy or if it should be an other one. Furthermore as I bought a combi of mouse and keyboard for 30€ I guess I should maybe get a new mouse aswell and I thought of the Logitech G502.

I'd like to hear your opinions of those and any other recommendations for keyboards and mouses.


P.S.: It took me around 10-15 minutes to write this little text, just for you guys to see how shit this keyboard is.
I got razer blackwidow chroma, It's a good choice, but if you don't like the colors, you can buy the non chroma one. And for the mouse I prefer you a razer deathadder, it has 10000dpi on it, it's very smooth and fast :)
Buy something from, Corsair or Ducky for a keyboard, they are bar far the best in terms of build quality, price and features.

For a mouse buy something from Zowie (fk1 or fk2), Logitech or the Razer Deathadder (anything from razer except the deathadder is shit)
You can get some good ones from EBay or AliExpress but they have bad ghosting and something having tracking issues with the mouses. I've had enough of them myself. Although I don't like to be a Razer Fanboy, Razer would be a good choice. You could get their lower tier stuff and still have a great experience. I would recommend a Razer Deathstalker for Keyboard and a Zowie FK1. I feel the FK2 would be a bit too small and it does everything a FK1 does, but for a bit less money.