new laws

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A few interesting thoughts I had while reading that I wanted to discuss are that from what I know:

Burglary giving you 6 years and $6000 is something I am pretty sure is something which doesn't necessitate killing police over.

Secondly robbery is now 7 years so it has it's own law, before it was just threat of physical harm but if you mug somebody and get caught doing it it's no longer only justified by the fact police will reasonably use lethal force to apprehend you that you may shoot police, but also you suffer a 7 year sentence if not having done so.

Then you've got Raiding which is titled as Armed Burglary with 9 years just for trespassing while armed. This one personally brings me instant worry that somebody can just easily catch a 9 year sentence for trespassing while accidentally illegally transporting as that would technically classify as what the law prohibits here from how I understood it.

Please discuss it if you'd like and let me know what you think or give me some correction on anything if I made a error in my understanding of anything you might have noticed.
somebody can just easily catch a 9 year sentence for trespassing while accidentally illegally transporting
Trespass is trespass, burglary is burglary. They're quite different. If you happen to somehow trespass whilst illegally transporting and your intention is not to steal or cause damage or harm then you can only be charged with trespassing and/or illegal transportation however if you crowbar a door (causing damage), shoot the people inside (causing serious harm) to steal their drugs (theft) then it is aggravated burglary.
Burglary giving you 6 years and $6000 is something I am pretty sure is something which doesn't necessitate killing police over.
If you decide to raid without a gun (basically what burglary is) then how are you gonna kill the police? Also, if you burgle and find drugs then you can technically kill them but the question is how?
Secondly robbery is now 7 years so it has it's own law, before it was just threat of physical harm but if you mug somebody and get caught doing it it's no longer only justified by the fact police will reasonably use lethal force to apprehend you that you may shoot police, but also you suffer a 7 year sentence if not having done so.
This doesn't make 100% sense but if I am right in thinking you mean now civs can shoot cops over a mugging, I am pretty sure that's always been a thing and never really enforced any other way. It just allows police to charge people for more rather than giving a low sentence for mugging people.
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If you decide to raid without a gun (basically what burglary is) then how are you gonna kill the police? Also, if you burgle and find drugs then you can technically kill them but the question is how?
If your boys are outside watching out they’re technically not raiding as they have not trespassed but The hypothesis I made up was that if you got 6k years for burglary you cannot be broken out unless you found drugs as you didn’t get a long enough sentence (6 years) or commit a violent crime.

Thank you for commenting on everything so thoroughly.