New Roadcrew truck Idea

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I always play as a roadcrew on the perpheads server and i saw multiple times that the roadcrew truck could use a second hook like they have in real life too.
I've seen it countless times that a car is flipped over and it only gets back on he's wheels by:
-Fucking around with the hook and with luck it gets back on he's wheels
-Hook is placed on the car and the person right clicks on the hook and trows it into the air to get it back on the wheels.
-Phsygun is used to rotate and place the car back on the road.

A second hook would most likely help a lot with getting the car back on the wheels since it allows you to flip the car over more stable.

Please consider it since its a very irritating issue for most roadcrew workers.

Regards: Shortyzz
IGN: Dominic Johnsen
+support for something like this. I actually had one of the staff members yell at me for using the hook to try and flip it over he said it wasnt realistic to flip it over with the hook so just tow it back to the lot upside down..... to me neither is realistic but at least if u could get it on its wheels u wouldnt have to make that person respawn their vehicle(unrealistic and breaking RP)
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