No 3.4 in gunfights?

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Theres this thing I've wanted to talk about for a while.

Bobbie Normal is a paramedic. He serves the city saving lives. Once he got called up into the shootout. As he responds, his car is destroyed by shots. Bobbie gets out, a man with an ak gunpoints him and tells him to get on the ground. As soon as Bobby does that, he gets 1001 holes in him.

The question is, can 3.4 be ignored in gunfights? On my experience and I'm sure everyone else's, running for dear life has a chance of surviving while doing what people that gunpoint you say gives you a 101% chance of death.

What are your thoughts about it?
In that situation he was being shot at. 1) he shouldnt be there 2) he can run as he was being shot at.
If you're shot at of course you can run away from the people who shot at you
Yeah, I agree that he should be able to just book it. I've seen it a ton of times where the medic wheels it around the corner and gets ambushed, or as he's doing his job on the side lines Urist McCriminal comes up, orders him on the ground then executes him.
If someone shoots (at) you, his aim is to kill you, in which case it would be far more beneficial to leg it and hope for the best, as you know his intentions are to kill you anyway.