Not being able to hear other players properly

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So for the past 3-4 days I started having trouble hearing other players in-game. If Im trying to have a convo with someone I can barely understand them (on the other hand seems like they can understand me just fine), Im only able to hear few words of what they say. Sometime if they are further away from me it seems normal, but as soon as they come closer and speak directly to me its broken again. This is also not the only problem I experienced. I started having worse connection and increased ping despite other apps and games run completely fine. Also some of the perp content takes longer to load (loading screen and for some reason the background in book of the law loads for like 10 seconds instead of being instant). I tried reinstalling the game as well as perpheads content, verifying game files, restarting my router as well checking my internet speeds, and updating drivers and nothing worked.

If you go into your Garry's Mod audio options, max out game volume and then lower the sound effect volume to a reasonable level. Sound effect volume doesn't adjust voice chat, whereas game volume does. If that doesn't work, put this into the console VOICE_MAXGAIN 10.

If you go into your Garry's Mod audio options, max out game volume and then lower the sound effect volume to a reasonable level. Sound effect volume doesn't adjust voice chat, whereas game volume does. If that doesn't work, put this into the console VOICE_MAXGAIN 10.
Thanks for replying. However this is not a problem with volume. Its not that players are too quiet to the point where I wouldnt understand them. The problem is if they speak to me I only hear for example: ... guns ... In reality they ask me If I had any guns for sale. So they seem like they are lagging even tough their connecition is just fine. This is all weird because my connection hasn't worsened, but (only) in Gmod it did (other apps and games are fine). So I have ping of 120 instead of 60 and some things in Gmod take longer to respond.
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