Notice of Inactivity

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Hey guys, I'll be going away to Dorset for a week, I'll still be as active as possible on the forums but obviously won't be in game for the duration of the week. If you have anything urgent to discuss feel free to open a PM.


I will post a report count tomorrow then another on the monday after my return, sorry for the turbulent periods but it shouldn't really effect anything as the level of satisfaction is relative to the average count not the amount of time.
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Enjoy your time in dorset moron, been there a few times myself and it's fantastic so again enjoy yourself and have a fantastic time i am possitive you will love it.

Regards Appricey
Aww Well I guess Enjoy your trip? No idea where it is and can't be arsed to look it up. My guess it's in Wales like every thing weird is. Maybe we should make a pocket perp app for your phone so you can play abroad. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
pretty close to us moron, South coast is chilly this time of year wear a jacket, p.s Dont go to Portsmouth its rank
Enjoy your time in Dorset I know nothing about Europe. Anyway I have you have a good time during your trip.
Hmm Dorset, more green than Trumps pocket.

Enjoy your time there im staying in Norfolk trying to finish this training program with the Princes Trust. Main reason why im so inactive myself infact never got around to letting you guys know.
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