Occasional freezes every 5-10 seconds

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United Kingdom
I have decided to create this thread due to the fact /help only results to uneducated vague answers such as 'get better internet' 'get a better pc'

Recently around a week or two, I've managed to fix my issues regarding animations issues and beretta problems by completely removing the old perpheads addons within my garry's mod folder. However, alongside this I've been getting numerous errors within my console which may be causing my to freeze every now and then; my fps is completely normal but i cannot cope with the random freezes as it's very annoying within gunfights.

Solutions I've tried and didn't work:
-Disabling automatic content download (This used to fix it when this occured)
-Reinstalling all perphead add-ons
-Restarting Gmod/PC
-Verifying cache
-Changing video settings

Hoping someone tech savy will be able to invest some time and provide me with a solution. I will very much appreciate it.

Here's a copy of the console logs that appear that may be relevant for a solution.
Have you tried typing gmod_mcore_test 1 in console? It bugs out clothes colour sure but it gives me a 30fps+ boost in the city at peak times. Very useful command imo.
Back then I also had many random freezes. It's probably something to do with your HDD, when somethng pretty minor happens like load a gun sound it takes a while for it to find that specific sound file. Defrag your HDD, remove useless addons or unsubscribe from them, remove other junk from your HDD where Garry's Mod is located on. Try a clean Garry's Mod install, only mount those games you need (CS:S and maybe EP2 for other servers). Low FPS also seems to trigger this, consider using gmod_mcore_test. And lastly, consider recording your footage. This helped me back then as it keeps your HDD busy and not idling so there won't be any freezes at the cost of a bit of less FPS and HDD space (you can remove it later, use OBS and not Fraps for this).

Also, try cl_forcepreload 1 . Loading into a server will take longer but it will preload all sounds or other assets on joining which means higher FPS or less stutter.
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