Office roof defence

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: No defences to be placed on top of the office.
Your version of the rule: Users may not place defences on the roof of the office.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
It is practically impossible to raid the office when the roof of the office is the main area and defence for the office.
The narrow corridor leading to the door is a wallbang deathzone and there are so many angles to be shot from when peeking the small doorway the chances of you killing anyone defending are 1/100. The defences being made on the roof of office are OP to say the least and it is constantly used since the removal of the booklet.
+support, i wont get salty about people basing on the roof of office. Its too op. What happens is you can get that 1 person with a m82 covering the door, the door gets wallbanged, and kills the people on other side of door.
Thing is its not that op, when you raided us no one had tried to breach the top floor, you were busy shooting cops.
i think its pretty normal and doesn't affect any thing at all you just gotta rush in. how is it different from projex ? there is small doorway too and the same space as the staircase.
In addition to that, it is not constantly being used, I am pretty active and haven't seen people basing on the roof of it at all
Thing is its not that op, when you raided us no one had tried to breach the top floor, you were busy shooting cops.
i think its pretty normal and doesn't affect any thing at all you just gotta rush in. how is it different from projex ? there is small doorway too and the same space as the staircase.

We couldnt breach because we got wallbanged every time. by the time we actually did half of us were dead to cops/wallbang and we couldnt peek it as the door was getting closed every time and wallbanged again, when we did peek while the door was open we got shot before we even saw past the door. My point is that the wallbanging and the small corridor you have to walk down is too small and you can get wallbanged so easily.
Its very different to projex as there are less angles in a projex apt to get shot from compared to office and there isnt a small corridor which is a wallbang box at projex.
It might seem hard but if you manage to open the door its pretty easy to just run to the left, clean it and then just finish the rest.
We couldnt breach because we got wallbanged every time. by the time we actually did half of us were dead to cops/wallbang and we couldnt peek it as the door was getting closed every time and wallbanged again, when we did peek while the door was open we got shot before we even saw past the door. My point is that the wallbanging and the small corridor you have to walk down is too small and you can get wallbanged so easily.
Its very different to projex as there are less angles in a projex apt to get shot from compared to office and there isnt a small corridor which is a wallbang box at projex.
Its the same thing as in projex, there is 1 small door that is hard to peek through and 4 angles to shoot (which btw we were using only 2).
Projex has a small hallway too.
I would understand you if you would even try to breach and enter the roof but you didn't.
I've had several situations on the office where people literally just forget about the fact that they have a brain, what you need to do is have one TFU or just a normal person if you're a civilian throw a flashbang over the fencing if you're on the staircase, once that's done you can simply have the officers inside or the civvies just walk in and gun the guys down on the left side while the people infront of you are blinded, you'd then have a simple task to take them out.... People just stand still and clusterfuck without moving as a group.
I've had several situations on the office where people literally just forget about the fact that they have a brain, what you need to do is have one TFU or just a normal person if you're a civilian throw a flashbang over the fencing if you're on the staircase, once that's done you can simply have the officers inside or the civvies just walk in and gun the guys down on the left side while the people infront of you are blinded, you'd then have a simple task to take them out.... People just stand still and clusterfuck without moving as a group.

Not when its a wallbang fest like it has been every time i raid it.
Its the same thing as in projex, there is 1 small door that is hard to peek through and 4 angles to shoot (which btw we were using only 2).
Projex has a small hallway too.
I would understand you if you would even try to breach and enter the roof but you didn't.

we did multiple times and each time we were either wall banged or shot before we could even see past the doorway, you are speaking as a defender and thus your point is probably bias.
There is a reason this was in the construction booklet to start with.
Then they shouldn't raid a property, just because people don't have the tools to raid a property doesn't mean we have to either shut it down or change the way you use it, it's so easy to raid.

There is a perfectly good whole floor for defending from with 2 entrances to it, this space is where the main area was intended to be, by using the roof where previously you werent allowed to build defences on gives defenders an unfair and OP advantage, all im suggesting is that we bring back the previous disallowance of defences in this area to make raiding and defending more fair and less OP.

The slums apt v3 corridor proved very difficult to defend against to the point where it was altered in the V4 update, the least we could do with this issue is make it so the rest of the property is actually used and restrict the use of defences on the roof.
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