Only allowed to raid with your own Organisation

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United Kingdom
The aim of this post is to collect ideas from the community about a change to who you are allowed to perform criminal activity with.

This is to elaborate on the original discussion here:

The wording is far from finalised. Currently we just want to explore the concept. Here are the suggested wordings:
  • Draft wording #1: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #2: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #3: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids.
  • Draft wording #4: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids.

The other thing to consider, is would players be allowed to base with other organisations or not?

We are open to all thoughts, but please only provide feedback if you have something constructive to say about the suggestion. If you just want to express your preference, please only vote on the poll.
They seemed to be a problem when there was one org with 30 people and one other zerg org rimlicking the other org all the time and it became like 16 people vs 10 cops but now since most of the rimlicks got banned and the one that was not rimlicks Its not a issue the only issue is the police slots there need to be a balance at some point.
No. People would just wait until you'd get a weapon from storage and shoot you.
This rule would cause major issues. Besides rule 2.5 right now is stated as excessive negativity taken towards a player, which ruins their gameplay. If all parties agree this can technically take place.

Don't be in a org that is at war then, would actually be really fun. Maybe criminals would also be more careful if they were at war knowing they could get shot at any time any where (Pretty much)

kinda related but not really
I mean judging by the vote I don't think anyone wants this to be added. So no need to have a giant debate over this.
The aim of this post is to collect ideas from the community about a change to who you are allowed to perform criminal activity with.

This is to elaborate on the original discussion here:

The wording is far from finalised. Currently we just want to explore the concept. Here are the suggested wordings:
  • Draft wording #1: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #2: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #3: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids.
  • Draft wording #4: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids.

The other thing to consider, is would players be allowed to base with other organisations or not?

We are open to all thoughts, but please only provide feedback if you have something constructive to say about the suggestion. If you just want to express your preference, please only vote on the poll.
Who thought this was a smart idea?
So what about those who aren't in an org and are maybe less active and have friends in orgs when they come back for a bit or whatever they can't even have fun with those mates who are in orgs. I understand the purpose but it doesn't seem fair to people who aren't in orgs.
The problem with organisations has always been that they cannot fight each other realistically like gangs would irl without punishment from the rules.
You need to change how organisations interact with each other not themselves

I agree with this fully, last time I had an organisation war, they thought it with AR’s and F6’s instead of guns, people are too shook to make an attempt in having some fun and competition due to the consequences that hold them back doing so, these need to be loosened a bit more.

Of course the PD will get involved and will be an issue, but with all due respect everyone would just need to grow up and deal with a sudden transition of organisation activity. The police would have to get used to these organisations fighting each other constantly because our PD right now can barely handle or coordinate themselves through a simple chase.
doesn't that mean a majority of the playerbase is IRRESPONSIBLE? nooo?
No. It means the devs have unbalanced the game.
When cops used to be limited at 12 (mostly sweaters) and those 3 sweater SWATs, my biggest enemy was other orgs... Now it's officers.
Even when we try having separate orgs, we continuously get back together because of the PD.

We're not irresponsible. We only act in the way that is best for us. It's what makes you a human.
No. It means the devs have unbalanced the game.
When cops used to be limited at 12 (mostly sweaters) and those 3 sweater SWATs, my biggest enemy was other orgs... Now it's officers.
Even when we try having separate orgs, we continuously get back together because of the PD.

We're not irresponsible. We only act in the way that is best for us. It's what makes you a human.
Shut up genius it was a rhetorical question
If someone wants to do criminal activity with someone who isn't a member of there organisation then that's absolutely fine. Doing crimes such as robbing the bank is especially beneficial to do with people outside your gang, just like alot of professional bank robbers do IRL. After major heists, the perpetrators often completely cut contact with one another to prevent the possibility of police finding them all through the contacts of those who they find and arrest.

Thar said, I feel as though gang beef should be settled only by members of the gangs feuding. Nothings more annoying than mugging or inconveniencing someone in a manner that gives them a reason to kill you only to be killed by some other random acting on there behalf.
Organisations should be allowed to work with other organisations to meet a common goal. - Cartels do this in real life.

I think the main problem is organisation size.
When 1 group obtains dominance through their numbers, you have the decision of becoming a victim of the zerg or joining it, the choice is obvious.

personally would have smaller orgs but more of them(10 max), this would encourage orgs working together and might create enemy orgs and friendly orgs which adds to the fun, all of which can band together at any point and become a zerg force which would be hard to contest for the police even if they had a full force.
yers may only crim[/QUOTE
The aim of this post is to collect ideas from the community about a change to who you are allowed to perform criminal activity with.

This is to elaborate on the original discussion here:

The wording is far from finalised. Currently we just want to explore the concept. Here are the suggested wordings:
  • Draft wording #1: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #2: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids and bank robberies.
  • Draft wording #3: Players may only criminally assist other members of their organisation against raids.
  • Draft wording #4: Players may only violently assist other members of their organisation against raids.

The other thing to consider, is would players be allowed to base with other organisations or not?

We are open to all thoughts, but please only provide feedback if you have something constructive to say about the suggestion. If you just want to express your preference, please only vote on the poll.

I personally find this idea bad because alot of people rely on their friends to help them and alot of the time they are not in your org
No one really has the balls to do something when there's always 16 police slots and all those 16 cops are raid hungry
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