Only Questions and Answers in OOC

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Any form of aggression should not be shown in OOC chat and it should be used for new players to ask questions/Discuss OOC things (General Discussion)/and helping people.
Your version of the rule: There should be no form of aggression/rage shown within the OOC chat. e.g HACKER, HOW DID I DIE!.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
At the moment there is a way to much salt in OOC and it's just not a pleasant chat to read if you first join the server.

Cons - Probably be aids to enforce.
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Any form of aggression should not be shown in OOC chat and it should be used for new players to ask questions/Discuss OOC things (General Discussion)/and helping people.
Your version of the rule: There should be no form of aggression/rage shown within the OOC chat. e.g HACKER, HOW DID I DIE!.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: At the moment there is a way to much salt in OOC and it's just not a pleasant chat to read if you first join the server.

Cons - Probably be aids to enforce.
I don't know why you put the title as 'Only Questions And Answers' since that's what the help chat is for. People getting angry in OOC can be annoying, however you can turn OOC chat off in the F1 Options tab if you deem necessary. Like you stated as well, it will pretty much be too much of a hassle for staff members to deal with and don't get me started with the AR's people like
will post <3.
I vent all my rage in reports as @Brinch saw yesterday before acting as a helpline, calming me down while I contemplated suicide.

Seeing people complain in OOC chat triggers me more, be nice to see timeouts, small ooc chat bans and messages being deleted more often rather than staff spending more time deleting new peoples adverts that dont understand "realistic adverts" rather than helping them.
I'm pretty sure staff are able to OOC gag people if I remember correctly. Rather than have something rule-based to stop people crying, you should just gag the idiot for complaining.

Shame it is never utilized, would stop angry people from getting themselves pointlessly warned/banned for 1.1 and what not.
I'm pretty sure staff are able to OOC gag people if I remember correctly. Rather than have something rule-based to stop people crying, you should just gag the idiot for complaining.

Shame it is never utilized, would stop angry people from getting themselves pointlessly warned/banned for 1.1 and what not.
Think when @Creepis or some staff memer tested this on me it didnt work and I could still talk in OOC chat. May need to be reworked.
Asking questions such as "how did i die omg wtf" and questions resembling such remarks, despite their apparent toxicity, allows for the correspondence between the the killer and the killed which would then free up some of the time required by staff who would have to respond to every single report regarding how people died, considering how some people in the community react.

In addition to this, giving staff blanket permissions to crack down on "aggression" or "toxicity" in the OOC chat is counter-productive and, in my opinion, would not benefit the server in comparison to the drawbacks as mentioned before.

We all know what happens when you leave too much to "staff discretion" (first bannable infraction for DC'ing during RP sit = 1 month ban LUL)
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Although there is alot of salt in OOC I don't agree that OOC should be chat for Q&A.

People who is salty and just in general toxic in OOC should just recieve a temporary mute from the chat, until they've calmed down.
Salt in OOC only really becomes annoying (Unless you are easily annoyed) if that person keeps going on. I also think that if this was to be added then whoever pours fuel on the person who is upset should be gagged or at least told to stop by staff because not only has this happened to myself but I have seen it happen to others and in many cases its other people who tip others over the edge. For example. I sometimes used to get annoyed due to unrealistic and bullshit deaths. For example, shooting an M24 at someone's face and they don't die then they 1 tap me with a pistol at long distance. I may question the logic behind it in OOC but it was when others used to but in and insult me that only made it worse. If you want someone to shut up just either contact a staff member, disable OOC or ignore them. Telling them to shut up or insulting them is only going to make them angrier and make it last longer.

What I am trying to say is people who pour fuel on the fire should be punished too if people who are upset get punished in the first place.
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