Server Suggestion option if you do not know the users name in a AR

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Description of the idea: a button that if you click will put a blank filler in the name and steam id as right now you cannot post a AR if you do not include a players steam name
this would also make the AR process easier to use

Why should this be added? (pros): makes it so people dont put there own steam ID in the accused players steam id
makes the AR process easier if you dont know the persons name

What negatives could this have? (cons): [list of all bad aspects]

*Other additions: the filler name would be unknown in the players name steam id etc

*Images: [useful images]


  • suggested idea.png
    suggested idea.png
    88.6 KB · Views: 19

The steam name of the user you are complaining about is used in the title of the thread to keep it all uniform, see below. This is partly why it is required.


If you are too lazy to find a players steam name by watching your demo back then that's your fault, staff are able to deal with action requests more efficiently when the information is presented to them and they don't have to dig through logs forever. Of course if you have an incident where you can't tell in your demo who killed you e.g. a sniper then we can do this for you before you make an AR but 99/100 times this isn't the case and you can find it yourself.
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