Org chat & crafting animations

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Topic: minimal tweak to government and organization chat. As well as add crafting animation (@John Doe's idea)

Short explanation (in notes):
- Add phone in hand when typing in organization chat
- Add radio in hand when typing in government chat

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Why not? You need a phone to type in organization chat, make the phone appear in your hand like when you have it out normally.
You also need a radio to type in government chat, so make it appear in passive mode like when holding a pistol in passive, or when you're holding keys out.
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There really needs to be some indication that you are typing in organisation chat, the amount of times I've detained someone as a Police Officer and I've later on found out that they were writing in organisation chat whilst I'm standing directly in front of them.
Yes please!!

And maybe an animation when crafting since you cant tell people that you are crafting.
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Yes! For the love of chinchin, please add this! The amount of times that i thought someone was writing a /me, but instead wrote in /org and alerted their entire org, is off the charts.

I don't see any reason not to add this.
I agree there should be some sort of indication for org chat, but I'm rather sure we all know it's possible to use a phone in a sneaky way not to be seen. This is of course not the case when standing right in front of someone else, as it would be spotted. Due to the several ways of using a phone, I believe finding one animation single animation would be a tad hard. Having one just like the normal phone animation would make it too obvious, having one where the phone is held lower would be a some kind of alternative, but might be bad to see people do whenever using org chat. Not to mention how people would immediately know it's org chat being used. I'm just wondering; what kind of animation are you suggesting?
Even though I once suggested that you should be able to see when someone is writing in their org chat, but apparently everyone misunderstood it. It would be a great idea and could stop unexpected backup which contains a Escalade with 6 people with AK47's on them which basically shoot you instantly down. +support from me.
This would be great, but I don't want to see org chat abandoned because no one uses it because it is obvious as fuck when they are.
Imo org chat "panic buttons" should be banned; they are not realistic in any way
Not able to comment but here is what I said to @BlitZKrieG on another thread
Creepis said:
Thread is closed but the way I see how panics are being called out in the org chat is by holding the volume up and down buttons for some time which sends a text measage to your contacts/org contacts so this would be an explanation. Samsung/Android has this, not sure about other phones.

Either way I still think that this is very stupid and whoever came up with the brilliant idea to set up a bind to send a message to the organisation to panic deserves to be whacked. This is why I never used this but there are a bunch of people that use this that I won't name here.

Edit: I know who to whack now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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