Server Suggestion Organization activity tab

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Suggestion Title: Organization activity tab
Suggestion Description: A tab to be added in the f3 menu named "organization activities" In this tab the following things will be listed
Organization member logs - Members kicked/Members invited.
Organization storage logs - Withdrew/deposited logs/
Owned organization properties.

Each of these logs will have 10 lines of saved logs as shown in the epic paint drawing below(could be more).
Certain logs will show up in green/red I.e Withdrew(red), deposited (green), Kick (red), Invited(green.

Why should this be added?:
- Quality of life update for the Org f3 menu. Many of these things are needed in bigger orgs.
- Adds the ability to RP and find thieves in your org.

What negatives could this have?:
-  I will already point something that people will argue with this. "logs will ruin RP within the orgs since you will not be able to rob from the storage" Or something along these lines. I will put a counter argument here for this. A storage center will have a list of deposits and withdraws and would be able to be seen by the owner of it. Just like plenty of cops have done in the past and it has been aloud.
I don't see any negatives that this suggestion could add but I will happily hear out peoples opinions.

Useful Images:
I don't believe it would ruin the RP, just don't be scummy.
I 100% back this +1
Only 10? How about no limit this ain’t z:punch:
It was more of I am unsure how it would stress the server, there being a lot of orgs all having logs etc it was a rough estimate and a realistic amount in my head
It was more of I am unsure how it would stress the server, there being a lot of orgs all having logs etc it was a rough estimate and a realistic amount in my head
On a real you do make valid points, i don’t think it’ll have too much load on the server and only ever send so much data to the client should it be requested to keep performance into consideration
This has been suggested a few times before I think one of the more recent suggestions for org storage logs is

I'm assuming the same points apply to all the logs suggestion
If you look at this current suggestion I have already outlined each point for the reason of his denial, I have also put valid points proving him wrong for a example( where would you get magical logs) they sent magical it’s a storage centre people will have logs for this type of stuff realistically

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