Organization's relationship guidelines

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United Kingdom, Devon
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Relationship guidelines
Your version of the rule:

Organization relationship guidelines:

If you are rivaled with an organization you may not:

  • Assist one another in raids whether it be defending or attacking.
  • Base with one another.
  • Partake in illegal activities with one another

If you are allied with an organization you may:

  • Assist one another in raids whether it be defending or attacking
  • Base with one another
  • Partake in illegal activities with one another

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently there are no guidelines for organizations and I believe some are necessary for role-play.

Comment any additions or edits and I can review them, this was put together relatively quickly. I am also unsure on mutual organizations that have no relationship status?
Quite often I find that when I'm in an organisation, I am friends OOCly with some of my rivals, and raiding with friends is still very fun, regardless if we are rivals or not. Hell, not even raiding with them, just shooting cops with them.

I understand the reasoning that this would enforce more gang roleplay by forcing people to only be against their rivals as opposed to occasionally working with them, But overall, I don't see any real benefits from adding a rule about this beyond the context of roleplay.

On top of this, raiding with rivals can have the following benefits:
- Minimising the rivalling gangs profits by taking as much of the loot as you can grab.
- Directly snaking the rivals for free XP.
- Indirectly snaking the rivals (Using them to keep the cops busy whilst you mug and make a free escape whilst they're shooting them)

Not a bad idea but I don't think it would be possible to ethically enforce, nor do I think the player base would find it fun.​
Whilst I also find it fun to raid with rivals at certain times I believe that it makes sense for RP that you would not be holding hands or partaking in activities with them.

You agreed to a rivalry for a reason, this is the equivalent of a "gang war". The crips and bloods aren't raiding corner stores together, its entirely unrealistic and stupid.
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