Overwatch 2

Been playing for the last few days with my guys. Lots of fun, and refreshing game even coming from Overwatch 1.

@glacial Best mercy in the fucking world
@Jay Best Lucio
@aeo WORST fucking Genji worlds ever seen
5v5 feels better even if Tanks are just a stronger DPS at this point. Less shields mean you can finally enjoy the game.

Overwatch 1 was terrible and 2 does some things better. Except for the shop, lootboxes were way better and the battlepass feels unrewarding.

Corpses also like to spin a lot more in this version.
Considering that I never played OW1 (the TF2 killer some did say) and only ever placed TF2 which is similar in a couple aspects, I am absolutely loving it especially with a five stack, I haven’t unlocked competitive yet which I’m about 10 or so wins away from and I’m pretty excited to play a competitive mode that’s refreshing to me and the way the gameplay is structured is really nice all around. I’ve always been a fan of the HUD, really clean stuff and even used to have a OW1 HUD mod for TF2 so I thought it’d be worth mentioning.

I do wish there were more rewards/stores other than a generic battlepass, I was considering buying some cosmetic items of any interest which isn’t possible but that’s doesn’t shift my overall expression for the game.

tl;dr is good
hated the balance team for the past 6 years and still can't stop playing the game
I think it's defiantly worth checking out! I've been playing it a bunch recently and have been having a lot of fun, there are a variety of different game modes you can play as well so it has a lot of options from the competitive matches to the custom games, I'm sure you'll have fun playing it :D
I think it's defiantly worth checking out! I've been playing it a bunch recently and have been having a lot of fun, there are a variety of different game modes you can play as well so it has a lot of options from the competitive matches to the custom games, I'm sure you'll have fun playing it :D
I downloaded it when i posted this post and havent play anything sincr lol