
Yes, I main Cassidy, Ashe or Widow for DPS. And for tank, it’s Hog but I can play any tank decently except Ball :/
Yes, I main Cassidy, Ashe or Widow for DPS. And for tank, it’s Hog but I can play any tank decently except Ball :/
Nice! When did they change Mcrees name? :(
I main support Moira, Mercy and Ana, on DPS I main Mei, Ashe and Symmetra. Cant tank at all
Nice! When did they change Mcrees name? :(
I main support Moira, Mercy and Ana, on DPS I main Mei, Ashe and Symmetra. Cant tank at all

You should be demoted just for those dps mains.

Yeah, the person they named McCree after was a sex offender