Model Suggestion owner of the property labled on the storage chest.

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Suggestion Title: owner of the property labled on the storage chest.
Suggestion Description: having the owners name on the storage chest in properties.

Why should this be added?:
- instead of going around asking people who the owner is, just look at the storage chest.

What negatives could this have?:
- dont really see any negatives.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: wasting time asking around who the owner of the specific property is.
I wouldn't like to see this implemented.

If you've been naughty, keeping the anonymity of your bazaar shop is often quite important. There's a reason many of us put signs up to hide the ownership of the property, we don't want hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise burnt in an act of revenge. If this were added, you would see most bazaar shops' storage box being covered to hide the name.

For basing properties, it is less impactful but it would take a bit away from RP. For the cops, not instantly knowing the owner's name leads them to investigate the situation more deeply. As it stands, after a raid they have to check keys or the PLPD database. Just running up to a storage box to see a conveniently placed name tag in order to separate the defenders from the raiders would affect immersion.
  • Agree
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