Server Suggestion Paintbrush (Colourable Props)

Reaction score
White Forest, North of City 17
Suggestion Title: Paintbrush (Colourable Props)
Suggestion Description: A craftable paintbrush that allows your to change the hue of some props (until you relog). Could be a 1 time use per brush or something that lasts longer.

We know there are many props that work with their colour changed, as admins and devs use it to build all the time. Would be great if all players could do this to allow for more building options without having to add more models.

Why should this be added?:
- More creative builds
- Gives players a new item to craft and sell
- Allows for more variation in the things people make

What negatives could this have?:
- Will take a little dev time away from V6 (sorry)
- Could be abused for basing, but just make paintable props illegal base items

Useful Images:
If the colour change were to be permenent when you used the paintbrush-like tool, then it would give more variety when people are shopping for furnature. Maybe you have to be a certain skill in woodcrafting or something similar so that you can change the colours of the props. Furnature store RP for the win ;)
As a side-suggestion, you could reuse the Paint Bucket item for this, giving it another use other than crafting
As a side-suggestion, you could reuse the Paint Bucket item for this, giving it another use other than crafting
Definitely. My suggestion of the paintbrush is probably far from the best implementation of the system. Overall takeaway should be that we need a way (any way) to change the tint of props.
Could make it consume a paint bucket upon use to discourage vantablacking a whole base.
I'd like to work on this in the future, here's a condensed summary with some of your ideas mixed with implementation details:
  • You look at an entity you own, then use the paint bucket item
  • Upon use, a popup window appears with a color picker. After choosing the color, one paint bucket is removed from inventory and the prop's color is changed (like using the sandbox Color Tool)
    • We'd have to decide whether to allow custom colors (radial chooser/HEX input), or just picking from a tested and predefined list
      • This list could be prop-specific or global, as needed
      • If a prop has skins, the tool could also allow choosing one
  • Not all furniture can be colored (for example, props allowed for base defense or for drug production shouldn't be paintable to avoid confusion)
  • The color lasts until you remove the prop from the world (pick-up, disconnect, explode, etc.). This will simplify implementing the feature, and avoid inventory UI changes to make it reflect the stored color.
  • There's not that many props where this effect looks good enough... try it: go to singleplayer and use the Color Tool. Only very light colors work with most of them. If you use darker colors, you lose texture detail and they look off.
Let me know if you have any thoughts about this
I'd like to work on this in the future, here's a condensed summary with some of your ideas mixed with implementation details:
  • You look at an entity you own, then use the paint bucket item
  • Upon use, a popup window appears with a color picker. After choosing the color, one paint bucket is removed from inventory and the prop's color is changed (like using the sandbox Color Tool)
    • We'd have to decide whether to allow custom colors (radial chooser/HEX input), or just picking from a tested and predefined list
      • This list could be prop-specific or global, as needed
      • If a prop has skins, the tool could also allow choosing one
  • Not all furniture can be colored (for example, props allowed for base defense or for drug production shouldn't be paintable to avoid confusion)
  • The color lasts until you remove the prop from the world (pick-up, disconnect, explode, etc.). This will simplify implementing the feature, and avoid inventory UI changes to make it reflect the stored color.
  • There's not that many props where this effect looks good enough... try it: go to singleplayer and use the Color Tool. Only very light colors work with most of them. If you use darker colors, you lose texture detail and they look off.
Let me know if you have any thoughts about this
Problems can easily be resolved by simply limiting the colors players can use. Also limit potential exploits of certain colors and making bases look like a seizure fest.
I think allowing all colors would be fine and just enforce it. When implemented it'll be logged and so all you need is a staff to check log and boom you know who abused it and spank them. For creative builds I can't see it being that abusable although I do agree with limiting to certain props, we can always change that later if needed.

Also add a splash sound when you use the bucket is my only real addition idea.
Suggestion Title: Paintbrush (Colourable Props)
Suggestion Description: A craftable paintbrush that allows your to change the hue of some props (until you relog). Could be a 1 time use per brush or something that lasts longer.
Good idea.
However I think it wouldn't be easy to add in.
But hey, anythings possible if ya try, right?

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