Paralake Channel

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39.007238, 126.281624

Established 1961 and ended 2001 'cause of the death of Tom Moss. Here we go again. Paralake Channel. As the first TV channel of paralake channel we will send shows, news and comedy. There is no current date, when we'll be ready. We are hiring news caster, actors, news moderator, game show moderators etc. at the moment.
You are interested in working for Paralake Channel but want more information first? Feel free to contact the CEO over [email protected] (clicking on the E-Mail adress will create an PM).


Assistant of the CEO: CELIA HYPE (706-2701)
Supreme Supervisors: HIRING

Paralake News Studio Director: STEFAN BACHMEIER (469-7301), HIRING
Paralake News News Caster: HIRING
Paralake News Camera Man: HIRING
Paralake News Studio Assistants: HIRING

Paralake News Outside Crew Director: HIRING
Paralake News Reporter: HIRING
Paralake News Camera Crew: HIRING
Paralake News Report Assistants: HIRING

Movie Director: HIRING
Movie Camera Crew: HIRING
Movie Editors : HIRING
Movie Assistants: HIRING

Graphical Media Team Leader: HIRING
Graphical Media Informed Person (You may be promoted to Expert if you are seen as an expert by the Supervisor: HIRING

Casting Team Leader: HIRING
Streamer: HIRING
Cast Organizer: HIRING
Castíng Assistants: HIRING

Sales Management Leader: HIRING
Salesmen: HIRING
Salesmen Assistants: HIRING

Program Management Leader: HIRING
Program Manager: HIRING
Program Management Assistant: HIRING

It would be great if you could join us
If you want to work here, please write an application here

Paralake News:

Paralake Channel Documentation


Who wants to be a millionaire

Requested shows:

Paralake Unlocked

You have any series which you want to get broadcasted on our channel? Great! Write a message to me if you do.

You are interested to have your advert in one of our TV shows? Call 469-7301, you can place your ad for a small price in one of our shows!
Last edited:
Dear follower of us, worker and citizens,

For organizational purposes we've made a few changes, such as created an organizational chart including a picture
which shows how the application process is built up;

Stefan Bachmeier
CEO of Paralake Channel and Paralake News Director
Phone: 469-7301
E-Mail: [email protected]
Clicking on the E-Mail adress creates a PM with me
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